El Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica lleva adelante diversas líneas de investigación a través de sus seis laboratorios y centros de instrumentación, posicionando a la unidad dentro de las con mayores índices de productividad científico-tecnológica al interior del plantel.
Entre las áreas de acciones se encuentran:
- Teoría y aplicaciones de control.
- Robótica.
- Sistemas no lineales y complejos.
- Telecomunicaciones y sistemas distribuidos.
- Accionamiento de sistemas de potencia.
- Sistemas de Energía Eléctrica.
- Energías renovables no convencionales.
- Educación en Ingeniería.
- Procesamiento digital de señales.
Laboratorios de Investigación
Conoce nuestros 6 laboratorios, destinados a la investigación.
Laboratorio de Electrónica de Potencia Avanzada
Desde su creación en el año 1998 este laboratorio ha sido un soporte para la realización de investigación de punta con financiamientos FONDECYT, FONDEF, CORFO. Se constata la producción de artículos artículos científicos publicados en revistas y conferencias indexadas a las bases de datos WOS y SCOPUS, patentes internacionales y nacionales. También se da cabida a laboratorios experimentales con estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado.
Laboratorio de Integración de Energías Sustentables
Laboratorio creado en abril de 2014. Es un laboratorio de investigación y docencia que abarca aspectos de análisis y simulación, así como también de implementación ilustrativa e industrial de sistemas de energía sustentable. Desde el punto de vista de análisis y simulación, se encuentra dentro de la línea de investigación de sistemas de energía, y se interioriza en las sub-líneas de Análisis técnico-económico de sistemas de energía sustentable y Análisis de estabilidad de sistemas de energía sustentable. En el caso de aspectos de implementación, dispone de equipamiento para la simulación a escala de medios de generación fotovoltaica, FV de simulaciones industriales y simulación eólica.
Laboratorio de Gestión en Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (GETIC)
Este laboratorio fue creado en el año 2000. En los últimos años ha puesto énfasis en el procesamiento digital de señales para Comunicaciones Inalámbricas, priorizando las aplicaciones donde la transmisión no solo contempla voz sino también datos, video y seguridad de los mismos ocupando elementos de la modelación matemática. El resultado del trabajo realizado está relacionado con publicaciones alto impacto y proyectos externos/internos como FONDECYT Regular, FONDEF, Proyectos Anillo Bicentenario de Ciencia y Tecnología, CORFO, PAI CONICYT, Proyecto de incentivo internacional CONICYT / SECIP y Proyectos DICYT-USACH.
Laboratorio de Redes de Sensores Inalámbricos (ARASEC)
Laboratorio de Investigación avanzada aplicada a la ciencia y tecnología, para la implementación y la realización de experimentos. El laboratorio cuenta con un conjunto de nodos sensores que están compuestos por transceptores Xbee bajo el estándar ZigBee y basados en el protocolo IEEE802.15.4. Estos trabajan a una frecuencia de 2.4GHz con un alcance de hasta 500m con línea de vista y antena dipolo; además se cuenta con sensores y microprocesadores ATmega que utilizan como principal plataforma de programación Arduino y Processing, basados en programación orientada a objetos de lenguaje abierto similares a C++ y Java.
Laboratorio de Robótica
Laboratorio donde se desarrollan tanto actividades de investigación teórica/aplicada como de diseño e implementación de sistemas robotizados de tipo: industrial, bípedo, móvil, zoomórfico, etc. Se diseñan y prueban, en forma teórica y práctica, algoritmos de control tanto existentes como desarrollados en este laboratorio. Entre las actividades de investigación, se incluye el diseño e implementación de: robots en general, sistemas de control tolerantes a fallas, simuladores computacionales, robots cooperativos, controladores de robots autónomos y teleoperados, etc.
Centro de Instrumentación y Desarrollo Electrónico - CIDE USACH
El Centro de Instrumentación y Desarrollo Electrónico (CIDE) de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile nació hace más de 25 años cimentando desde entonces el apoyo que el CIDE realiza en la investigación científica y tecnológica, tanto dentro como fuera de nuestra casa de estudios.
El año 2009, el CIDE implementó la sección “Metrología” la que permitió, a través del Instituto Nacional de Normalización (INN), obtener la Acreditación bajo la Norma NCh-ISO 17025: “Requisitos Generales para la Competencia de los Laboratorios de Ensayo y Calibración”, en las Magnitudes Eléctricas, Presión y Temperatura. Desde entonces, el Laboratorio de Calibración brinda un servicio altamente calificado en estas materias, apoyando a la industria nacional y a la investigación.
Nuestros Investigadores PostDOC
Ph.D Badreddine El Haiek
Investigador PostDOC
Taha Zoulagh
Investigador PostDOC
Año 2022
Profesor | Autor / Autores | Titulo del Artículo | Nombre Revista | ISBN | DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Viera, E., Kaschel, H., Valencia, C. |
Heart Rate Variability Control Using a Biofeedback and Wearable System | Sensors | 00000 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Páez, F., Kaschel, H. | Design and Testing of a Computer Security Layer for the LIN Bus | Sensors | 00000 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Toledo, K., Torres, J., Fernández-Getino, M. | Energy-Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Based on Stochastic Programming in Dynamic Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol.8, no.2 | 00000 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Ahumada, C. | Design of a microstrip antenna for Breast Cancer Detection | 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) | 00000 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Páez, F., Kaschel, H. | A Proposal for Data Authentication, Data Integrity and Replay Attack Rejection for the LIN Bus | 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) | 00000 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Rojas, R. | Security, energy efficiency, routing protocols and algorithms applied to underwater wireless sensor network | 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) | 00000 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Pascal, J. | Physiological Behavior of COVID-19 Patients Using Wearable System and Markov Chains | 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) | 0939-1533 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Vinicio, F., Cuenca, C., Soto, I. |
Design of an Optical Wireless Network using Free Space Optics Technology (FSO), in 5G/6G Networks Environment |
IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA) |
978-1-6654-2978-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Jara, D. | Design, Analysis, and Comparison of Control Strategies for an Industrial Robotic Arm Driven by a Multi-Level Inverter |
Symmetry-Basel | 2073-8994 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Pascal, J. | Dynamic Parameter Identification based on Lagrangian Formulation and Servomotor-type Actuators for Industrial Robots |
International Journal of Control Automation and Systems |
1598-6494 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | Viera, E., Kaschel, H., Valencia, C. |
ECG processing algorithm in the QRS complex |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Viera, E., Kaschel, H., Valencia, C. | ECG processing algorithm in the QRS complex |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Toledo, K., Gomez, JT., Garcia, MJF. | Energy-Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based on Stochastic Programming in Dynamic Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks |
IEEE Access | 2169-3536 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Retamales, N., Chavez, H. | Frequency-Responsive Appliances: The case of Chile |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Zolorza, JA, Palma, JM, Barbosa, KA | H∞ Gain-Scheduled Algorithm Design for Multi Coupled Tank |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Díaz, A. | High Security Ubiquitous H-IoT Monitoring System based on a WBAN |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Díaz, A. | High Security Ubiquitous H-IoT on a WBAN based EHR using Blockchain |
2021 IEEE IFAC International Conference on Automation, XXIV Congreso de la Asociación Chilena de Control Automático |
978-1-6654-2978-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Fernández, A., Díaz, M., Rojas, F., Reyes-Chamorro, L., Chavez, H. |
Impact of the Electrical Energy-Tariff and Vehicle-to-Grid in the Total Cost of Ownership of Electromobility Projects |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Fernández, A., Díaz, M., Rojas, F., Reyes-Chamorro, L., Chavez, H. |
Impact of the Electrical Energy-Tariff and Vehicle-to-Grid in the Total Cost of Ownership of Electromobility Projects |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Hicham, EA., Barbosa, KA., Rodriguez, C. |
Input-Output Admissibility Analysis of Continuous Descriptor System With Time-Varying Delay |
IEEE Control Systems Letters | 2475-1456 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Agramonte, R. | Kalman Filter: Historical Overview and Review of Its Use in Robotics 60 Years after Its Creation |
Journal of Sensors | 1687-725X | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Alavia, W., Lovera, JA., Graver, TA., Azúa, D., Soto, I. | Modeling of the density, viscosity and electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions saturated in boric acid in presence of lithium sulfate or sodium sulfate at 293.15 to 313.15 K |
Fluid Phase Equilibria | 0378-3812 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Alavia, W., Soto, I., Lovera, JA. | Modeling of the Refractive Index for the Systems MX+H2O, M2X+H2O, H3BO3+MX+H2O, and H3BO3+M2X+H2O. M = K+, Na+, or Li+ and X = Cl- or SO42- |
Processes | 2227-9717 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Verdugo, D., Rojas, F., Pereda, J., Diaz, M., Gatica, G. | Modelling and control of a multi-cell converter based on Input-Parallel Output-Parallel bridge-cells with discontinuous interleaved modulation |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Loyola, O., Kern, J., Urrea, C. | Novel algorithm for agent navigation based on intrinsic motivation due to boredom |
Information Technology and Control |
1392-124X | |||||||
John Kern | Loyola, O., Kern, J., Urrea, C. | Novel algorithm for agent navigation based on intrinsic motivation due to boredom |
Information Technology and Control |
1392-124X | |||||||
Héctor Chávez | Mellado Díaz, C., Barbosa, K., El Aiss, H., Rodriguez, C., Chavez, H. |
Observer Design Method for Discrete-Time LPV Descriptor Systems |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Mellado Díaz, C., Barbosa, K., El Aiss, H., Rodriguez, C., Chavez, H. |
Observer Design Method for Discrete-Time LPV Descriptor Systems |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | Lopez-Vilos, N., Valencia, C., Azurdia-Meza, C., Montejo-Sanchez, S., Mafra, SB. |
Performance analysis of the ieee 802.15.4 protocol for smart environments under jamming attacks |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Salazar, E., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Zabala-Blanco, D., Bolufe, S., Soto, I. |
Semi-Supervised Extreme Learning Machine Channel Estimator and Equalizer for Vehicle to Vehicle Communications |
Electronics | 2079-9292 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | N. Ruminot, C. Valencia, Abarzua-Ortiz, R. | Side Channel Attack Countermeasure for Low Power Devices with AES Encryption |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Pablo Adasme | Firoozabadi, A.D., Irarrazaval, P., Adasme, P., Durney, H., Olave, M.S., Zabala-Blanco, D., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
Simultaneous Sound Source Localization by Proposed Cuboids Nested Microphone Array Based on Subband Generalized Eigenvalue Decomposition |
6th International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics, AISI 2020 |
2194-5357 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Benitez, D. | Software-Defined Networking Solutions, Architecture and Controllers for the Industrial Internet of Things: A Review |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Gutierrez, F., Riquelme, E., Barbosa, K.A., Chavez, H. | State Estimation for Synthetic Inertia Control System Using Kalman Filter |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Gutierrez, F., Riquelme, E., Barbosa, K.A., Chavez, H. | State Estimation for Synthetic Inertia Control System Using Kalman Filter |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | Abarzúa, R., Valencia, C. | Survey on Performance and Security Problems of Countermeasures for Passive Side-channel Attacks on ECC |
Journal of Cryptographic Engineering |
2190-8508 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | El Aiss, H., Barbosa, KA., Chavez, H., Rodriguez, C. | Takagi–Sugeno State Delayed Feedback and Integral Control for PV Systems: Modeling, Simulation, and Control |
International Journal of Photoenergy |
1110-662X | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | El Aiss, H., Barbosa, KA., Chavez, H., Rodriguez, C. | Takagi–Sugeno State Delayed Feedback and Integral Control for PV Systems: Modeling, Simulation, and Control |
International Journal of Photoenergy |
1110-662X | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Páez, F., Kaschel, H. | Towards a Robust Computer Security Layer for the LIN Bus |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI |
Año 2021
Profesor | Autor / Autores | Titulo del Artículo | Nombre Revista | ISBN | DOI | ||||||
Pablo Adasme | Firoozabadi, A.D., Irarrazaval, P., Adasme, P., Durney, H., Olave, M.S., Zabala-Blanco, D., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
A Multi-channel Speech Enhancement Method Based on Subband Affine Projection Algorithm in Combination with Proposed Circular Nested Microphone Array | 6th International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics, AISI 2020 |
2194-5357 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Pizarro, P., Diaz, M., Rojas, F., Espinoza, M., Tarisciotti, L., Gomis-Bellmunt, O. |
A Decoupled Control Strategy for a Shunt-Series Modular Multilevel Converter in Wind Energy Conversion System Applications |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Enrique Espina | Rodriguez, C., Malhue, M., Diaz, M., Espina, E., Rojas, F. |
A Droop Based Control Strategy for Bidirectional Power Regulation in Hybrid ACmC Microgrids |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Rodriguez, C., Malhue, M., Diaz, M., Espina, E., Rojas, F. |
A Droop Based Control Strategy for Bidirectional Power Regulation in Hybrid ACmC Microgrids |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Quiroz J., Perez R., Chavez H., Matevosyan J., Segundo Sevilla F.R. |
A Hardware Implementation of an Online Frequency Dynamic Parameter Estimation |
2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, PowerTech 2021, Madrid |
978-166543597-0 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Pizarro, P., Ibaceta, E., Diaz, M., Rojas, F., Espinoza, M. |
A LVRT Control Strategy for a Shunt-Series Modular Multilevel Converter in Wind Energy Conversion System Applications |
2021 Sixteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER) |
978-1-6654-4903-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Quiroz, J., Soto, I., Toledo-Mercado, E., Chávez, H., Zamorano-Illanes, R., Pereira-Mendoza, J. |
A non-linear regression model for inertia identification using synchrophasors and Big Data |
IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA) |
978-1-6654-2978-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Quiroz, J., Soto, I., Toledo-Mercado, E., Chávez, H., Zamorano-Illanes, R., Pereira-Mendoza, J. |
A non-linear regression model for inertia identification using synchrophasors and Big Data |
IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA) |
978-1-6654-2978-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Ibaceta, E., Diaz, M., Uriarte, M., Rojas, F., Letelier, A., Cardenas, R. |
A Power Loss Ride Through Control Strategy for Variable Speed Drives based on the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Toledo-Mercado, E., Soto, I., Rojo, P., Pereira-Mendoza, J., Quiroz, J., Zamorano-Illanes, R. |
Adaptive Digital Filter using NARX Deep Neural Networks for ground-based observatories |
IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA) |
978-1-6654-2978-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Barrueto, A., Diaz, M., Chavez, H. |
An Overview of Challenges related to Power-Electronics Based Power Systems |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Barrueto, A., Diaz, M., Chavez, H. | An Overview of Challenges related to Power-Electronics Based Power Systems |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | C. Corral, C. Valencia | BER and SNR based physical layer security analysis with cooperative Jamming |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Páez, F. | Design and Comparison of Strategies for Level Control in a Nonlinear Tank |
Processes | 2227-9717 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Kern, J., Lopez-Escobar, R. |
Design and Implementation of a Fault-Tolerant System for Industrial Robots Under Hostile Operating Conditions |
Computers & Electrical Engineering |
0045-7906 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
John Kern | Urrea, C., Kern, J., Lopez-Escobar, R. |
Design and Implementation of a Fault-Tolerant System for Industrial Robots Under Hostile Operating Conditions |
Computers & Electrical Engineering |
0045-7906 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., y Kern, J. | Design and implementation of a wireless control system applied to a 3-DoF redundant robot using Raspberry Pi interface and user datagram protocol |
Computers & Electrical Engineering |
0045-7906 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
John Kern | Urrea, C., y Kern, J. | Design and implementation of a wireless control system applied to a 3-DoF redundant robot using Raspberry Pi interface and user datagram protocol |
Computers & Electrical Engineering |
0045-7906 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Navarro, G., Rojas, F., Pereda, J., Diaz, M., Gatica, G. |
Design and implementation of dual active bridge converter with single phase shift modulation for electric vehicle charging system |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Garrido, F., Kern, J. | Design and Implementation of Intelligent Agent Training Systems for Virtual Vehicles |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
John Kern | Urrea, C., Garrido, F., Kern, J. | Design and Implementation of Intelligent Agent Training Systems for Virtual Vehicles |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Pascal, J. | Design and validation of a dynamic parameter identification model for industrial manipulator robots |
Archive of Applied Mechanics | 0939-1533 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Vinicio, F., Cuenca, C., Soto, I. |
Design of an Optical Wireless Network using Free Space Optics Technology (FSO), in 5G/6G Networks Environment |
IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA) |
978-1-6654-2978-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Jara, D. | Design, Analysis, and Comparison of Control Strategies for an Industrial Robotic Arm Driven by a Multi-Level Inverter |
Symmetry-Basel | 2073-8994 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Pascal, J. | Dynamic Parameter Identification based on Lagrangian Formulation and Servomotor-type Actuators for Industrial Robots |
International Journal of Control Automation and Systems |
1598-6494 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | Viera, E., Kaschel, H., Valencia, C. |
ECG processing algorithm in the QRS complex |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Viera, E., Kaschel, H., Valencia, C. | ECG processing algorithm in the QRS complex |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Toledo, K., Gomez, JT., Garcia, MJF. | Energy-Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based on Stochastic Programming in Dynamic Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks |
IEEE Access | 2169-3536 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Retamales, N., Chavez, H. | Frequency-Responsive Appliances: The case of Chile |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Zolorza, JA, Palma, JM, Barbosa, KA | H∞ Gain-Scheduled Algorithm Design for Multi Coupled Tank |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Díaz, A. | High Security Ubiquitous H-IoT Monitoring System based on a WBAN |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Díaz, A. | High Security Ubiquitous H-IoT on a WBAN based EHR using Blockchain |
2021 IEEE IFAC International Conference on Automation, XXIV Congreso de la Asociación Chilena de Control Automático |
978-1-6654-2978-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Fernández, A., Díaz, M., Rojas, F., Reyes-Chamorro, L., Chavez, H. |
Impact of the Electrical Energy-Tariff and Vehicle-to-Grid in the Total Cost of Ownership of Electromobility Projects |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Fernández, A., Díaz, M., Rojas, F., Reyes-Chamorro, L., Chavez, H. |
Impact of the Electrical Energy-Tariff and Vehicle-to-Grid in the Total Cost of Ownership of Electromobility Projects |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Hicham, EA., Barbosa, KA., Rodriguez, C. |
Input-Output Admissibility Analysis of Continuous Descriptor System With Time-Varying Delay |
IEEE Control Systems Letters | 2475-1456 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Agramonte, R. | Kalman Filter: Historical Overview and Review of Its Use in Robotics 60 Years after Its Creation |
Journal of Sensors | 1687-725X | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Alavia, W., Lovera, JA., Graver, TA., Azúa, D., Soto, I. | Modeling of the density, viscosity and electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions saturated in boric acid in presence of lithium sulfate or sodium sulfate at 293.15 to 313.15 K |
Fluid Phase Equilibria | 0378-3812 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Alavia, W., Soto, I., Lovera, JA. | Modeling of the Refractive Index for the Systems MX+H2O, M2X+H2O, H3BO3+MX+H2O, and H3BO3+M2X+H2O. M = K+, Na+, or Li+ and X = Cl- or SO42- |
Processes | 2227-9717 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Verdugo, D., Rojas, F., Pereda, J., Diaz, M., Gatica, G. | Modelling and control of a multi-cell converter based on Input-Parallel Output-Parallel bridge-cells with discontinuous interleaved modulation |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Loyola, O., Kern, J., Urrea, C. | Novel algorithm for agent navigation based on intrinsic motivation due to boredom |
Information Technology and Control |
1392-124X | |||||||
John Kern | Loyola, O., Kern, J., Urrea, C. | Novel algorithm for agent navigation based on intrinsic motivation due to boredom |
Information Technology and Control |
1392-124X | |||||||
Héctor Chávez | Mellado Díaz, C., Barbosa, K., El Aiss, H., Rodriguez, C., Chavez, H. |
Observer Design Method for Discrete-Time LPV Descriptor Systems |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Mellado Díaz, C., Barbosa, K., El Aiss, H., Rodriguez, C., Chavez, H. |
Observer Design Method for Discrete-Time LPV Descriptor Systems |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | Lopez-Vilos, N., Valencia, C., Azurdia-Meza, C., Montejo-Sanchez, S., Mafra, SB. |
Performance analysis of the ieee 802.15.4 protocol for smart environments under jamming attacks |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Salazar, E., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Zabala-Blanco, D., Bolufe, S., Soto, I. |
Semi-Supervised Extreme Learning Machine Channel Estimator and Equalizer for Vehicle to Vehicle Communications |
Electronics | 2079-9292 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | N. Ruminot, C. Valencia, Abarzua-Ortiz, R. | Side Channel Attack Countermeasure for Low Power Devices with AES Encryption |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Pablo Adasme | Firoozabadi, A.D., Irarrazaval, P., Adasme, P., Durney, H., Olave, M.S., Zabala-Blanco, D., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
Simultaneous Sound Source Localization by Proposed Cuboids Nested Microphone Array Based on Subband Generalized Eigenvalue Decomposition |
6th International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics, AISI 2020 |
2194-5357 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Benitez, D. | Software-Defined Networking Solutions, Architecture and Controllers for the Industrial Internet of Things: A Review |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Gutierrez, F., Riquelme, E., Barbosa, K.A., Chavez, H. | State Estimation for Synthetic Inertia Control System Using Kalman Filter |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Gutierrez, F., Riquelme, E., Barbosa, K.A., Chavez, H. | State Estimation for Synthetic Inertia Control System Using Kalman Filter |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | Abarzúa, R., Valencia, C. | Survey on Performance and Security Problems of Countermeasures for Passive Side-channel Attacks on ECC |
Journal of Cryptographic Engineering |
2190-8508 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | El Aiss, H., Barbosa, KA., Chavez, H., Rodriguez, C. | Takagi–Sugeno State Delayed Feedback and Integral Control for PV Systems: Modeling, Simulation, and Control |
International Journal of Photoenergy |
1110-662X | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | El Aiss, H., Barbosa, KA., Chavez, H., Rodriguez, C. | Takagi–Sugeno State Delayed Feedback and Integral Control for PV Systems: Modeling, Simulation, and Control |
International Journal of Photoenergy |
1110-662X | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Páez, F., Kaschel, H. | Towards a Robust Computer Security Layer for the LIN Bus |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI |
Año 2020
Profesor | Autor / Autores | Titulo del Artículo |
Nombre Revista | ISBN | DOI |
Pablo Adasme | Firoozabadi, AD., Irarrazaval, P., Adasme, P., Zabala-Blanco, D., Palacios-Játiva, P., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
3D Multiple Sound Source Localization by Proposed Cuboids Nested Microphone Array in Combination with Adaptive Wavelet-based Subband GEVD |
Electronics | 2079-9292 | 10.3390/electronics9050867 |
Enrique Espina | Espina, E., Cárdenas, R., Simpson-Porco, J., Sáez, D., Kazerani, M. |
A Consensus-Based Secondary Control Strategy for Hybrid ac/dc Microgrids with Experimental Validation |
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics |
0885-8993 | 10.1109/TPEL.2020.3031539 |
Fabián Seguel | Soto, I., Rodriguez, RN., Massuyama, G., Seguel, F., Jativa, PP., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Krommenacker, N. |
A hybrid VLC-RF portable phasor measurement unit for deep tunnels |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | 10.3390/s20030790 |
Ismael Soto | Soto, I., Rodriguez, RN., Massuyama, G., Seguel, F., Jativa, PP., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Krommenacker, N. |
A hybrid VLC-RF portable phasor measurement unit for deep tunnels |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | 10.3390/s20030790 |
Matías Díaz | Espinoza, M., Donoso, F., Diaz, M., Urrutia, M., Cardenas, R. |
A Novel Control System for Medium-Voltage Hexverter-Based Drives |
15th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, EVER 2020; Monte-Carlo; Monaco |
978-172815641-5 | 10.1109/EVER48776.2020.9243027 |
Pablo Adasme | Firoozabadi, AD., Irarrazaval, P., Adasme, P., Zabala-Blanco, D., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
A novel method for estimating the number of speakers based on generalized eigenvalue–vector decomposition and adaptive wavelet transform by using K-means clustering |
Signal Image and Video Processing |
1863-1703 | 10.1007/s11760-020-01634-2 |
Héctor Chávez | Abarca, R., Chavez, H., Lismayes, A., Caro-Ruiz, C., Alvarez, G.E. |
A REFLEX algebraic reserve constraint model |
2020 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition – Latin America, T and D LA 2020; Montevideo; Uruguay |
978-172814155-8 | 10.1109/TDLA47668.2020.9326215 |
Héctor Chávez | Riquelme, E., Fuentes, C., Chavez, H. |
A review of limitations of wind synthetic inertia methods |
2020 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition – Latin America, T and D LA 2020; Montevideo; Uruguay |
978-172814155-8 | 10.1109/TDLA47668.2020.9326180 |
Héctor Chávez | Borquez, J., Chavez, H., Barbosa, KA., Jamett, M., Acuna, R. |
A Simple Distribution Energy Tariff under the Penetration of DG |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13081910 |
Karina Acosta | Borquez, J., Chavez, H., Barbosa, KA., Jamett, M., Acuna, R. |
A Simple Distribution Energy Tariff under the Penetration of DG |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13081910 |
Marcela Jamett | Borquez, J., Chavez, H., Barbosa, KA., Jamett, M., Acuna, R. |
A Simple Distribution Energy Tariff under the Penetration of DG |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13081910 |
Matías Díaz | Mora, A., Cardenas, R., Urrutia, M., Espinoza, M., Diaz, M. |
A Vector Control Strategy to Eliminate Active Power Oscillations in 4-Leg Grid-Connected Converters Under Unbalanced Voltages |
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics |
2168-6777 | 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2921536 |
Fabián Seguel | Jativa, PP., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Sanchez, I., Seguel, F., Zabala-Blanco, D., Firoozabadi, AD., Gutierrez, CA., Soto, I. |
A VLC Channel Model for Underground Mining Environments With Scattering and Shadowing |
IEEE Access | 2169-3536 | 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3030615 |
Ismael Soto | Jativa, PP., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Sanchez, I., Seguel, F., Zabala-Blanco, D., Firoozabadi, AD., Gutierrez, CA., Soto, I. |
A VLC Channel Model for Underground Mining Environments With Scattering and Shadowing |
IEEE Access | 2169-3536 | 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3030615 |
Cristhian Becker | Verdejo, H., Moreira, P., Kliemann, W., Becker, C., Delpiano, J. |
An analytical model for small signal stability analysis in unbalanced electrical power systems |
Applied Sciences-Basel | 2076-3417 | 10.3390/app10248855 |
Humberto Verdejo | Verdejo, H., Moreira, P., Kliemann, W., Becker, C., Delpiano, J. |
An analytical model for small signal stability analysis in unbalanced electrical power systems |
Applied Sciences-Basel | 2076-3417 | 10.3390/app10248855 |
Claudio Valencia | Adasme, P., San Juan, E.,Soto, I., Cañete, L., Seguel, F., Valencia, C., Dehghan Firoozabadi, A. |
An Integer Programming Approach to Locate RSUs in a Telecommunication Highway Vehicle Network |
12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing – CSNDSP, Portugal |
978-172816743-5 | 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249487 |
Enrique San Juan | Adasme, P., San Juan, E.,Soto, I., Cañete, L., Seguel, F., Valencia, C., Dehghan Firoozabadi, A. |
An Integer Programming Approach to Locate RSUs in a Telecommunication Highway Vehicle Network |
12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing – CSNDSP, Portugal |
978-172816743-5 | DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249487 |
Fabián Seguel | Adasme, P., San Juan, E.,Soto, I., Cañete, L., Seguel, F., Valencia, C., Dehghan Firoozabadi, A. |
An Integer Programming Approach to Locate RSUs in a Telecommunication Highway Vehicle Network |
12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing – CSNDSP, Portugal |
978-172816743-5 | DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249487 |
Ismael Soto | Adasme, P., San Juan, E.,Soto, I., Cañete, L., Seguel, F., Valencia, C., Dehghan Firoozabadi, A. |
An Integer Programming Approach to Locate RSUs in a Telecommunication Highway Vehicle Network |
12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing – CSNDSP, Portugal |
978-172816743-5 | DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249487 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., San Juan, E.,Soto, I., Cañete, L., Seguel, F., Valencia, C., Dehghan Firoozabadi, A. |
An Integer Programming Approach to Locate RSUs in a Telecommunication Highway Vehicle Network |
12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing – CSNDSP, Portugal |
978-172816743-5 | DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249487 |
Matías Díaz | Diaz, M., Dobson, RC, Ibaceta, E., Mora, A., Urrutia, M., Espinoza, M., Rojas, F., Wheeler, P. |
An Overview of Applications of the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13215546 |
Matías Díaz | Diaz, M., Cardenas, R., Ibaceta, E., Mora, A., Urrutia, M., Espinoza, M., Rojas, F., Wheeler, P. |
An overview of modelling techniques and control strategies for modular multilevel matrix converters |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13184678 |
Héctor Chávez | F. Diaz, Rivera, M., Chavez, H., Wheeler, P. |
Architectures for Microgrids Interconnection |
21st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2020; Buenos Aires Institute of Technology (ITBA); Argentina |
978-172815754-2 | 10.1109/ICIT45562.2020.9067130 |
Ismael Soto | Pereira-Mendoza, J., Chibey, F., Fuentealba-Cid, D., Soto, I., Gutierrez, S., Gatica, G. |
Assignment Model for LEDs and Photodetectors in a VLC System |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129860 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Venegas, D. | Automatized follow-up and alert system for patients with chronic hypertension |
Health Informatics Journal | 1460-4582 | 10.1177/1460458219900446 |
Enrique San Juan | Cañete, L., San Juan, E., Adasme, P. |
Communication with small fatty organisms: an application of visible light for the efficiency of bio-diesel reactors submerged in the sea |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129895 |
Pablo Adasme | Cañete, L., San Juan, E., Adasme, P. |
Communication with small fatty organisms: an application of visible light for the efficiency of bio-diesel reactors submerged in the sea |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129895 |
Fabián Seguel | Carreño, C., Seguel, F., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Bombardier, V. |
Comparison of metaheuristic optimization algorithms for RSS-based 3-D visible light positioning systems |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129861 |
Ismael Soto | Carreño, C., Seguel, F., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Bombardier, V. |
Comparison of metaheuristic optimization algorithms for RSS-based 3-D visible light positioning systems |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129861 |
Pablo Adasme | Carreño, C., Seguel, F., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Bombardier, V. |
Comparison of metaheuristic optimization algorithms for RSS-based 3-D visible light positioning systems |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129861 |
Héctor Chávez | Durán, A., Ibaceta, E., Diaz, M., Rojas, F., Cardenas, R., Chavez, H. |
Control of a Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter for Unified Power Flow Controller Applications |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13040953 |
Matías Díaz | Durán, A., Ibaceta, E., Diaz, M., Rojas, F., Cardenas, R., Chavez, H. |
Control of a Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter for Unified Power Flow Controller Applications |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13040953 |
Claudio Urrea | Torres, H., Toledo, D., Alvarado, O., Urrea, C. |
Control of a telerobotic system using wi-fi and kinect sensor for disabled people with an industrial process |
2020 IEEE ANDESCON, Quito, Ecuador |
978-172819365-6 | 10.1109/ANDESCON50619.2020.9272069 |
Enrique Espina | Espina, E., Cárdenas, R., Espinoza, M., Burgos-Mellado, C., Sáez, D.. |
Cooperative Regulation of Imbalances in Three-Phase Four-Wire Microgrids Using Single-Phase Droop Control and Secondary Control Algorithms |
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics |
0885-8993 | 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2917653 |
Ismael Soto | Carrasco, R., Fernandez-Campusano, C., Soto, I., Lagos, C., Krommenacker, N., Banguera, L., Duran, C. |
Copper Price Variation Forecasts Using Genetic Algorithms |
1st International Conference on Applied Technologies, ICAT 2019; Quito; Ecuador |
1865-0929 | 10.1007/978-3-030-42520-3_23 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., Firoozabadi, AD. | Degree-Constrained k -Minimum Spanning Tree Problem |
Complexity | 1076-2787 | 10.1155/2020/7628105 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Kern, J., Alvarado, J. |
Design and Evaluation of a New Fuzzy Control Algorithm Applied to a Manipulator Robot |
Applied Sciences-Basel | EISSN: 2076-3417 | 10.3390/app10217482 |
John Kern | Urrea, C., Kern, J., Alvarado, J. |
Design and Evaluation of a New Fuzzy Control Algorithm Applied to a Manipulator Robot |
Applied Sciences-Basel | 2076-3417 | 10.3390/app10217482 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea C., Saa, D. | Design and Implementation of a Graphic Simulator for Calculating the Inverse Kinematics of a Redundant Planar Manipulator Robot |
Applied Sciences-Basel | eISSN: 2076-3417 | 10.3390/app10196770 |
Matías Díaz | Aravena, J., Carrasco, D., Diaz, M., Uriarte, M., Rojas, F., Cardenas, R., Travieso, JC. |
Design and Implementation of a Low-Cost Real-Time Control Platform for Power Electronics Applications |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13061527 |
Matías Díaz | Shourangiz-Haghighi, A., Diaz, M., Zhang, YC., Li, JL., Yuan, Y., Faraji, R., Ding, L., Guerrero, JM. |
Developing More Efficient Wind Turbines A Survey of Control Challenges and Opportunities |
IEEE industrial Electronics Magazine |
1932-4529 | 10.1109/MIE.2020.2990353 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Matteoda, R. | Development of a Virtual Reality Simulator for a Strategy for Coordinating Cooperative Manipulator Robots using Cloud Computing |
Robotics and Autonomous Systems | 0921-8890 | 10.1016/j.robot.2020.103447 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Mignogna, A. | Development of an Expert System for Pre-diagnosis of Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus type 2 and Metabolic Syndrome |
Health Informatics Journal | 1460-4582 | 10.1177/1460458220937095 |
Enrique Espina | Espina, E., Llanos, J., Burgos-Mellado, C., Cárdenas, R., Martínez-Gómez, M., Sáez, D. |
Distributed Control Strategies for Microgrids: An Overview |
IEEE Access | 2169-3536 | 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3032378 |
Fabián Seguel | Palacios, P., Azurdia-Meza, C., Roman, M., Zabala-Blanco, D., Seguel, F., Soto, I. |
Empirical Path Loss Distribution for Visible Light Communications in Underground Mines |
12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP) – 7th Colloquium on Optical Wireless Communications |
978-172816743-5 | 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249645 |
Ismael Soto | Palacios, P., Azurdia-Meza, C., Roman, M., Zabala-Blanco, D., Seguel, F., Soto, I. |
Empirical Path Loss Distribution for Visible Light Communications in Underground Mines |
12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP) – 7th Colloquium on Optical Wireless Communications |
978-172816743-5 | 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249645 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea C., Kern, J., Morales C. | Error detection and correction to enhance the data rate of smart metering systems using Modbus-RTU |
Electrical Engineering | 0948-7921 | 10.1007/s00202-020-01067-7 |
John Kern | Urrea C., Kern, J., Morales C. | Error detection and correction to enhance the data rate of smart metering systems using Modbus-RTU |
Electrical Engineering | 0948-7921 | 10.1007/s00202-020-01067-7 |
Fabián Seguel | Palacios-Játiva, P, Seguel, F., Adasme, P. |
Evaluation of Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces for Diffuse Visible Light Communications Link |
2020 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) |
2330-989X | 10.1109/LATINCOM50620.2020.9282298 |
Pablo Adasme | Palacios-Játiva, P, Seguel, F., Adasme, P. |
Evaluation of Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces for Diffuse Visible Light Communications Link |
2020 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) |
2330-989X | 10.1109/LATINCOM50620.2020.9282298 |
Pablo Adasme | Firoozabadi, AD., Irarrazaval, P., Adasme, P., Zabala-Blanco, D., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
Evaluation of localization precision by proposed quasi-spherical nested microphone array in combination with multiresolution adaptive steered response power |
Journal of Electrical Engineering–Elektrotechnicky Casopis |
1335-3632 | 10.2478/jee-2020-0022 |
Claudio Valencia | Lopez, N., Azurdia, C., Montejo, S., Valencia, C. |
Experimental Evaluation of Capture Effect in an IEEE 802.15.4 WSN basedon Unslotted-CSMA/CA |
2020 IEEE 12th Latin-American Conference onCommunications (LATINCOM), |
978-172818903-1 | 10.1109/LATINCOM50620.2020.9282305 |
Enrique Espina | Espina, E., Burgos-Mellado, C., Gómez, J., Llanos, J., Rute, E., Navas, A., Martínez-Gómez, M., Cárdenas, R., Sáez. D. |
Experimental Hybrid AC/DC-Microgrid Prototype for Laboratory Research |
22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’20 ECCE Europe) |
978-907581536-8 | 10.23919/EPE20ECCEEurope43536.2020.9215751 |
Matías Díaz | Kreppel, T., Rojas, F., Hackl, C.M., Kalmbach, O., Diaz, M.b, Gatica, G. |
Extended Model of Chopper Cells for Open Circuit Fault Detection in Modular Multilevel Cascade Converters using Sliding Mode Observers |
11th IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2020; Dubrovnik; Croatia |
978-172816990-3 | 10.1109/PEDG48541.2020.9244420 |
Karina Acosta | Caceres, S., Rojas, F., Barbosa, KA., De la Cuadra, T., Diaz, M., Gatica, G. |
Fault Detection in Triple Star Bridge Cell Modular Multilevel Converter using Sliding Mode Observer |
21st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2020; Buenos Aires Institute of Technology |
978-172815754-2 | 10.1109/ICIT45562.2020.9067190 |
Matías Díaz | Caceres, S., Rojas, F., Barbosa, KA., De la Cuadra, T., Diaz, M., Gatica, G. |
Fault Detection in Triple Star Bridge Cell Modular Multilevel Converter using Sliding Mode Observer |
21st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2020; Buenos Aires Institute of Technology |
978-172815754-2 | 10.1109/ICIT45562.2020.9067190 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea C., Kern, J., Lopez, R. | Fault-tolerant communication system based on convolutional code for the control of manipulator robots |
Control Engineering Practice | 0967-0661 | 10.1016/j.conengprac.2020.104508 |
John Kern | Urrea C., Kern, J., Lopez, R. | Fault-tolerant communication system based on convolutional code for the control of manipulator robots |
Control Engineering Practice | 0967-0661 | 10.1016/j.conengprac.2020.104508 |
Enrique San Juan | Guajardo-Penroz, C., Soto, I., San Juan, E., Adasme, P., Azurdia-Meza, C., Zabala-Blanco, D. |
Finite Field Metrics Applied to M-FSK Modulation in VLC Systems |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129865 |
Ismael Soto | Guajardo-Penroz, C., Soto, I., San Juan, E., Adasme, P., Azurdia-Meza, C., Zabala-Blanco, D. |
Finite Field Metrics Applied to M-FSK Modulation in VLC Systems |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129865 |
Pablo Adasme | Guajardo-Penroz, C., Soto, I., San Juan, E., Adasme, P., Azurdia-Meza, C., Zabala-Blanco, D. |
Finite Field Metrics Applied to M-FSK Modulation in VLC Systems |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129865 |
Matías Díaz | Cerda, C., Rojas, F., Pineda, C., Pereda, J., Diaz, M., Gatica, G. |
Grid Forming Operation for a High Step Ratio Modular Multilevel DC-DC Converter |
11th IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2020; Dubrovnik; Croatia |
978-172816990-3 | 10.1109/PEDG48541.2020.9244339 |
Ismael Soto | Shoaib Ayub, M., Wuttisittikulkij, L., Adasme, P., Soto, I. |
Hybrid Precoding Design for Two Carriers Aggregated in 5G Massive MIMO System |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129891 |
Pablo Adasme | Shoaib Ayub, M., Wuttisittikulkij, L., Adasme, P., Soto, I. |
Hybrid Precoding Design for Two Carriers Aggregated in 5G Massive MIMO System |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129891 |
Ismael Soto | Durán, E., Rojas, F., Soto, I., Gatica, G. |
Hysteresis based FSK modulation for visible light communication |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129893 |
Ismael Soto | Zabala-Blanco, Azurdia-Meza, CA., Montejo, S., Firoozabadi, AD., Palacios, PJ., Soto, I., Kamal, S. |
ICI Reduction by Using the Improved Double-jump 1 Pulse in MQAM-OFDM Schemes |
12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing – CSNDSP, Portugal |
978-172816743-5 | DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249546 |
Cristhian Becker | Verdejo, H., Pino, V., Kliemann, W., Becker, C., Delpiano, J. |
Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Algorithm for Tuning of Power System Stabilizers in Multimachine Electric Power Systems |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13082093 |
Humberto Verdejo | Verdejo, H., Pino, V., Kliemann, W., Becker, C., Delpiano, J. |
Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Algorithm for Tuning of Power System Stabilizers in Multimachine Electric Power Systems |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13082093 |
Claudio Urrea | Torres, H., Toledo, D., Urgiles, P., Urrea, C. |
Implementation of the hamming code for the detection and correction of errors in a telerobotic system using an industrial communication protocol |
2020 IEEE ANDESCON, Quito, Ecuador |
978-172819365-6 | 10.1109/ANDESCON50619.2020.9272049 |
Matías Díaz | Tarisciotti, L., Costabeber, A., Diaz, M., Cardenas, R. |
Improved modular multilevel converter topology for low voltage variable speed drives |
21st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2020; Buenos Aires Institute of Technology |
978-172815754-2 | 10.1109/ICIT45562.2020.9067144 |
Karina Acosta | Hicham, EA., Barbosa, KA. | Input-Output Admissibility Analysis of Discrete Descriptor System with Time-Varying Delay |
59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Jeju Island, Republic of Korea |
0743-1546 | 10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9304359 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Kern, J. | Integrating ROS and IoT in a Virtual Laboratory for Control System Engineering |
Journal of Applied Mathematics | 1110-757X | 10.1155/2020/8987150 |
John Kern | Urrea, C., Kern, J. | Integrating ROS and IoT in a Virtual Laboratory for Control System Engineering |
Journal of Applied Mathematics | 1110-757X | 10.1155/2020/8987150 |
Fabián Seguel | Jativa, PP., Canizares, MR., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Zabala-Blanco, D., Firoozabadi, AD., Seguel, F., Montejo-Sanchez, S., Soto, I. |
Interference Mitigation for Visible Light Communications in Underground Mines Using Angle Diversity Receivers |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | 10.3390/s20020367 |
Ismael Soto | Jativa, PP., Canizares, MR., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Zabala-Blanco, D., Firoozabadi, AD., Seguel, F., Montejo-Sanchez, S., Soto, I. |
Interference Mitigation for Visible Light Communications in Underground Mines Using Angle Diversity Receivers |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | 10.3390/s20020367 |
Ismael Soto | Gutierrez, S., Serey, D., Fuentealba, D., Soto, I., Jirón, I., Carrasco, R., Gatica, G. |
Internet of things in Smart City Santiago |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129894 |
Enrique San Juan | Adasme, P, Soto, I., San Juan, E., Seguel, F., Firoozabadi, AD. |
Maximizing Signal to Interference Noise Ratio for Massive MIMO: A Mathematical Programming Approach |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129889 |
Fabián Seguel | Adasme, P, Soto, I., San Juan, E., Seguel, F., Firoozabadi, AD. |
Maximizing Signal to Interference Noise Ratio for Massive MIMO: A Mathematical Programming Approach |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129889 |
Ismael Soto | Adasme, P, Soto, I., San Juan, E., Seguel, F., Firoozabadi, AD. |
Maximizing Signal to Interference Noise Ratio for Massive MIMO: A Mathematical Programming Approach |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129889 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P, Soto, I., San Juan, E., Seguel, F., Firoozabadi, AD. |
Maximizing Signal to Interference Noise Ratio for Massive MIMO: A Mathematical Programming Approach |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129889 |
Héctor Chávez | Rahmann, C., Chamas, SI., Alvarez, R., Chavez, H., Ortiz-Villalba, D., Shklyarskiy, Y. |
Methodological Approach for Defining Frequency Related Grid Requirements in Low-Carbon Power Systems |
IEEE Access | 2169-3536 | 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3021307 |
Fabián Seguel | Seguel, F., Azurdia-Meza, C., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Bombardier, V., Carreno, C. |
Miner Video Tracking and Identification Using Optical Camera Communications in a Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network |
12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2020 |
978-172816743-5 | 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249550 |
Enrique San Juan | San Juan, E., Valenzuela, D., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Cañete, L., Firoozabadi, AD |
Multi Resolution Analysis compared Savitzky-Golay and Moving Average Filter by Noise Reduction |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129866 |
Ismael Soto | San Juan, E., Valenzuela, D., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Cañete, L., Firoozabadi, AD |
Multi Resolution Analysis compared Savitzky-Golay and Moving Average Filter by Noise Reduction |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129866 |
Pablo Adasme | San Juan, E., Valenzuela, D., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Cañete, L., Firoozabadi, AD |
Multi Resolution Analysis compared Savitzky-Golay and Moving Average Filter by Noise Reduction |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129866 |
Pablo Adasme | Firoozabadi, AD., Irarrazaval, P., Adasme, P., Zabala-Blanco, D., Durney, H., Sanhueza, M., Palacios-Játiva, P., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
Multiresolution Speech Enhancement Based on Proposed Circular Nested Microphone Array in Combination with Sub-Band Affine Projection Algorithm |
Applied Sciences-Basel | 2076-3417 | 10.3390/app10113955 |
Enrique San Juan | Guajardo-Penroz, C., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Azurdia-Meza, C., San Juan, E., Alavia, W. |
New High Dimming Range M-FSK Demodulation Strategy for VLC Systems |
12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP) – 7th Colloquium on Optical Wireless Communications |
978-172816743-5 | 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249525 |
Ismael Soto | Guajardo-Penroz, C., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Azurdia-Meza, C., San Juan, E., Alavia, W. |
New High Dimming Range M-FSK Demodulation Strategy for VLC Systems |
12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP) – 7th Colloquium on Optical Wireless Communications |
978-172816743-5 | 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249525 |
Pablo Adasme | Guajardo-Penroz, C., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Azurdia-Meza, C., San Juan, E., Alavia, W. |
New High Dimming Range M-FSK Demodulation Strategy for VLC Systems |
12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP) – 7th Colloquium on Optical Wireless Communications |
978-172816743-5 | 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249525 |
Ismael Soto | Pereira-Mendoza, J., Soto, I., Duran, E., Toledo-Mercado, E., Quiroz-Moreno, J., Zamorano-Illanes, R. |
Noise reduction in a high power VLC signal with an hysteresis band control loop for M-FSK modulation |
IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications, LATINCOM 2020; Virtual, Santo Domingo; Dominican Republic |
978-172818903-1 | 10.1109/LATINCOM50620.2020.9282315 |
Enrique San Juan | San Juan, E., Lastra, L., Soto, I., Adasme, P., Cañete, L, Firoozabadi, AD |
Noise reduction in VLC channels using Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129890 |
Ismael Soto | San Juan, E., Lastra, L., Soto, I., Adasme, P., Cañete, L, Firoozabadi, AD |
Noise reduction in VLC channels using Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129890 |
Pablo Adasme | San Juan, E., Lastra, L., Soto, I., Adasme, P., Cañete, L, Firoozabadi, AD |
Noise reduction in VLC channels using Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129890 |
Fabián Seguel | Adasme, P., Seguel, F., Firoozabadi, AD. |
On a Clustering Partitioning Approach for Wireless Visible Light Communication Networks |
IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) |
2330-989X | 10.1109/LATINCOM50620.2020.9282330 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., Seguel, F., Firoozabadi, AD. |
On a Clustering Partitioning Approach for Wireless Visible Light Communication Networks |
2020 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) |
2330-989X | 10.1109/LATINCOM50620.2020.9282330 |
Fabián Seguel | Carreno, C., Seguel, F., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Adasme, P. |
Opportunistic Hybrid VLC-IMU Positioning |
2020 12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2020 |
978-172816743-5 | 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249516 |
Ismael Soto | Carreno, C., Seguel, F., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Adasme, P. |
Opportunistic Hybrid VLC-IMU Positioning |
2020 12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2020 |
978-172816743-5 | 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249516 |
Pablo Adasme | Carreno, C., Seguel, F., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Adasme, P. |
Opportunistic Hybrid VLC-IMU Positioning |
2020 12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2020 |
978-172816743-5 | 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249516 |
Héctor Chávez | Troncoso, N., Rojo-Gonzalez, L., Vasquez, O.C., Acuna, R., Chavez, H., Villalobos-Cid, M. |
Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Sizing Algorithm for the Chilean Distribution Tariff |
39th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, SCCC 2020; Coquimbo; Chile |
1522-4902 | 10.1109/SCCC51225.2020.9281205 |
Héctor Chávez | Diaz, F., Rivera, M., Chavez, H., Wheeler, P. |
Present and Future of the Chilean Electrical Grid |
21st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2020; Buenos Aires Institute of Technology (ITBA); Argentina |
978-172815754-2 | 10.1109/ICIT45562.2020.9067249 |
Enrique San Juan | San Juan, E., Firoozabadi, AD, Soto, I., Adasme, P., Cañete, L. |
Proposed Integration Algorithm to Optimize the Separation of Audio Signals Using the ICA and Wavelet Transform |
9th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, ICISP 2020; Marrakesh; Morocco |
0302-9743 | 10.1007/978-3-030-51935-3_39 |
Ismael Soto | San Juan, E., Firoozabadi, AD, Soto, I., Adasme, P., Cañete, L. |
Proposed Integration Algorithm to Optimize the Separation of Audio Signals Using the ICA and Wavelet Transform |
9th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, ICISP 2020; Marrakesh; Morocco |
0302-9743 | 10.1007/978-3-030-51935-3_39 |
Pablo Adasme | San Juan, E., Firoozabadi, AD, Soto, I., Adasme, P., Cañete, L. |
Proposed Integration Algorithm to Optimize the Separation of Audio Signals Using the ICA and Wavelet Transform |
9th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, ICISP 2020; Marrakesh; Morocco |
0302-9743 | 10.1007/978-3-030-51935-3_39 |
Ismael Soto | Jirón, I., Soto, I., Gutiérrez, S., Carrasco, R. |
Reed-Solomon codes over Galois fields of characteristic 3 for a VLC channel |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) | 978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129896 |
Ismael Soto | Zabala-Blanco, D, Mora, M., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Firoozabadi, AD., Jativa, PP., Soto, I. | Relaxation of the Radio-Frequency Linewidth for Coherent-Optical Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing Schemes by Employing the Improved Extreme Learning Machine |
Symmetry-Basel | 2073-8994 | 10.3390/sym12040632 |
Karina Acosta | Rodriguez, C., Barbosa, KA., Coutinho, D. |
Robust filtering for discrete-time linear parameter-varying descriptor systems |
Symmetry-Basel | 2073-8994 | 10.3390/sym12111871 |
Enrique Espina | Burgos-Mellado, C., Llanos, J., Espina, E., Sáez, D., Cárdenas, R., Sumner, M., Watson, A. |
Single-Phase Consensus-Based Control for Regulating Voltage and Sharing Unbalanced Currents in 3-Wire Isolated AC Microgrids |
IEEE Access | 2169-3536 | 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3022488 |
Ismael Soto | Ahumada, RN., Osses, AP., Estela, MC., Soto, I. |
SINR analysis in a tunnel using multiple VLC cells with TDMA |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129859 |
María Estela | Ruminot Ahumada, N., Pérez Osses, A., Estela, MC., Soto, I. |
SINR analysis in a tunnel using multiple VLC cells with TDMA |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129859 |
Matías Díaz | Shamshuddin, M.A., Rojas, F., Cardenas, R., Pereda, J., Díaz, M., Kennel, R. |
Solid State Transformers: Concepts, Classification, and Control |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13092319 |
Matías Díaz | Diaz, M., Gormaz-Lobos, D., Galarce-Miranda, C., Valenzuela, F., Rojas, F., Sepulveda, E., Durán, A., Cerda, C., Carrasco, D., Hortsch, H. |
Strengthening the training of engineers in Chilean universities through practice partnerships: STING Project |
9th World Engineering Education Forum, WEEF 2019; Chennai; India |
1877-0509 | 10.1016/j.procs.2020.05.076 |
Cristhian Becker | Verdejo, H., Becker, C. | The Erratic Implementation of Measuring, Monitoring and Control System (MMCS) in Chile: The crisis on smart meters |
Energy Reports | 2352-4847 | 10.1016/j.egyr.2020.08.005 |
Humberto Verdejo | Verdejo, H., Becker, C. | The Erratic Implementation of Measuring, Monitoring and Control System (MMCS) in Chile: The crisis on smart meters |
Energy Reports | 2352-4847 | 10.1016/j.egyr.2020.08.005 |
Héctor Chávez | Lismayes, A., Chavez, H., Abarca, R. |
Towards a coupled regulation and flexible ramp product marginal pricing |
2020 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition – Latin America, T and D LA 2020; Montevideo; Uruguay |
978-172814155-8 | 10.1109/TDLA47668.2020.9326164 |
Héctor Chávez | Fuentes, C., Riquelme, E., Chavez, H. |
Towards distribution feeders frequency response via solid state transformers | 2020 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition – Latin America, T and D LA 2020; Montevideo; Uruguay |
978-172814155-8 | 10.1109/TDLA47668.2020.9326220 |
Año 2019
Profesor | Autor / Autores | Titulo del Artículo | Nombre Revista | ISBN | DOI |
Enrique San Juan | Adasme, P., Juan, E.S., Soto, I., Valdes, F. |
A cluster-based approach to maximize number of users in wireless multi-cell networks |
IEEE ICA-ACCA 2018 – IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0 |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609801 |
Ismael Soto | Adasme, P., Juan, E.S., Soto, I., Valdes, F. |
A cluster-based approach to maximize number of users in wireless multi-cell networks |
IEEE ICA-ACCA 2018 – IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0 |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609801 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., Juan, E.S., Soto, I., Valdes, F. |
A cluster-based approach to maximize number of users in wireless multi-cell networks |
IEEE ICA-ACCA 2018 – IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0 |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609801 |
Héctor Kaschel | Toledo, K., Kaschel, K. | A cooperative spectrum sensing strategy for dynamic cognitive radio sensor networks |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609855 |
Matías Díaz | Rojas,F., Cardenas, R., Clare, J., Diaz, M., Pereda, J., Kennel, R. |
A Design Methodology of Multiresonant Controllers for High Performance 400 Hz Ground Power Units |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics |
0278-0046 | 10.1109/TIE.2019.2898610 |
Cristhian Becker | Verdejo, H., Awerkin, A., Kliemann, W., Becker, C., Chavez, H., Barbosa, K.A., Delpiano, J. |
A Dynamic Stochastic Hybrid Model to Represent Significant Wave Height and Wave Period for Marine Energy Representation |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en12050887 |
Héctor Chávez | Verdejo, H., Awerkin, A., Kliemann, W., Becker, C., Chavez, H., Barbosa, K.A., Delpiano, J. |
A Dynamic Stochastic Hybrid Model to Represent Significant Wave Height and Wave Period for Marine Energy Representation |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en12050887 |
Humberto Verdejo | Verdejo, H., Awerkin, A., Kliemann, W., Becker, C., Chavez, H., Barbosa, K.A., Delpiano, J. |
A Dynamic Stochastic Hybrid Model to Represent Significant Wave Height and Wave Period for Marine Energy Representation |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en12050887 |
Karina Acosta | Verdejo, H., Awerkin, A., Kliemann, W., Becker, C., Chavez, H., Barbosa, K.A., Delpiano, J. |
A Dynamic Stochastic Hybrid Model to Represent Significant Wave Height and Wave Period for Marine Energy Representation |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en12050887 |
Ismael Soto | Jirón, I., Soto, S., Marín, S., Acosta, M., Soto, I. |
A new DNA-based model for finite field arithmetic |
Heliyon | 2405-8440 | 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02901 |
Enrique Espina | Espina, E., Cárdenas, R., Donoso, F., Espinoza, M., Urrutia, M. |
A Novel Distributed Secondary Control Strategy Applied to Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids |
21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’19 ECCE Europe) |
978-907581531-3 | 10.23919/EPE.2019.8915135 |
Fabián Seguel | Firoozabadi, A.D., Azurdia-Meza, C., Soto, I., Seguel, F., Krommenacker, N., Iturralde, D., Charpentier, P., Zabala-Blanco, D. |
A Novel Frequency Domain Visible Light Communication (VLC) Three-Dimensional Trilateration System for Localization in Underground Mining |
Applied Sciences-Basel | 2076-3417 | 10.3390/app9071488 |
Ismael Soto | Firoozabadi, A.D., Azurdia-Meza, C., Soto, I., Seguel, F., Krommenacker, N., Iturralde, D., Charpentier, P., Zabala-Blanco, D. |
A Novel Frequency Domain Visible Light Communication (VLC) Three-Dimensional Trilateration System for Localization in Underground Mining |
Applied Sciences-Basel | 2076-3417 | 10.3390/app9071488 |
Pablo Adasme | Firoozabadi, AD., Irarrazabal, P., Adasme, P., Durmey, H., Olave, MS. |
A Novel Quasi-Spherical Nested Microphone Array and Multiresolution Modified SRP by GammaTone Filterbank for Multiple Speakers Localization |
23rd Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications, SPA 2019; Poznan; Poland |
2326-0262 | 10.23919/SPA.2019.8936771 |
Fabián Seguel | Seguel, F., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Soto, I. |
A novel range free visible light positioning algorithm for imaging receivers |
OPTIK | 0030-4026 | 10.1016/j.ijleo.2019.163028 |
Ismael Soto | Seguel, F., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Soto, I. |
A novel range free visible light positioning algorithm for imaging receivers |
OPTIK | 0030-4026 | 10.1016/j.ijleo.2019.163028 |
Enrique Espina | Malhue, M., Diaz, M., Rojas, F., Espina, E., Cardenas, R. |
A Parallel Fast Delayed Signal Cancellation PLL for Unbalanced and Distorted Grid Applications |
2019 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988085 |
Matías Díaz | Malhue, M., Diaz, M., Rojas, F., Espina, E., Cardenas, R. |
A Parallel Fast Delayed Signal Cancellation PLL for Unbalanced and Distorted Grid Applications |
2019 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988085 |
Enrique San Juan | Millán, G, San Juan, E, Vasgas, M. |
A Simple Multifractal Model for Self-Similar Traffic Flows in High-Speed Computer Networks |
Computación y Sistemas | 1405-5546 | 10.13053/CyS-23-4-2831 |
Héctor Kaschel | K. Toledo, H. Kaschel, and J. Torres |
A Stochastic Approach for Spectrum Sensing and Sensor Selection in Dynamic Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks |
Physical Communication | 1874-4907 | 10.1016/j.phycom.2019.100879 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., Lisser, A. | A Variable Neighborhood Search Algorithm for Massive MIMO Resource Allocation |
16th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems, MobiWIS 2019; Istanbul; Turkey |
0302-9743 | 10.1007/978-3-030-27192-3_1 |
Enrique Espina | M. Espinoza, R. Cardenas, J. Clare, D. Soto-Sanchez, M. Diaz, E. Espina and C. Hackl |
An Integrated Converter and Machine Control System for MMC-Based High-Power Drives |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics |
0278-0046 | 10.1109/TIE.2018.2801839 |
Matías Díaz | M. Espinoza, R. Cardenas, J. Clare, D. Soto-Sanchez, M. Diaz, E. Espina and C. Hackl |
An Integrated Converter and Machine Control System for MMC-Based High-Power Drives |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics |
0278-0046 | 10.1109/TIE.2018.2801839 |
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Rocco, V., Reinao, G. |
An open algorithm for systematic evaluation of readmission predictors on diabetic patients from data warehouses |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609790 |
Matías Díaz | Uriarte, M., Rojas, F., Díaz, M., Mirzaeva, G., Droguett |
An overmodulation algorithm based on SVM for power quality applications |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609750 |
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Cordero, S., Costoya, E. |
Analysis and Evaluation of Radio Mobile program on Line of Sight paths, with SRTM and ASTER DTEDs and its v11. 6.6/v9. 1.6 versions |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988013 |
Héctor Chávez | Serrano, S., Moreno, A., Avila, T., Chavez, H. |
Assessing the impact of variable generation on ROCOF adequacy |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609820 |
Marcela Jamett | Alarcon, C., Jamett, M. | Autonomous multirrotor design and simulation for search and rescue missions |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609813 |
Ismael Soto | Jativa, PP, Azurdia-Meza, CA, Canizares, MR, Zabala-Blanco, D., Soto I. |
BER Performance of OFDM-Based Visible Light Communication Systems |
2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8987733 |
Héctor Chávez | Guajardo, J., Chavez, H., Acevedo, M. |
BESS for Energy Arbitrage and Ancillary Services: The Case of Chile |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8986862 |
Claudio Valencia | Fernandez, M., Valencia, C. | BOTDA sensor simulation for the Measurement Stress and Temperatures |
2019 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | DOI: 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988050 |
Ismael Soto | Montejo-Sanchez, S., Azurdia-Meza, C.A., Souza, R.D., Fernandez, EMG; Soto, I; Hoeller, A |
Coded Redundant Message Transmission Schemes for Low-Power Wide Area IoT Applications |
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters |
2162-2337 | 10.1109/LWC.2018.2880959 |
Karina Acosta | Bustos, PI., Barbosa, KA. | Control Algorithm for a Dynamic Pricing Management of Electrical Energy |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988069 |
Matías Díaz | Espinoza Bolaños, M. Antonio, Diaz, M., Donoso, F., Letelier, A., Cárdenas, R. |
Control and operation of the MMC-based drive with reduced capacitor voltage fluctuations |
Journal of Engineering-Joe | 2051-3305 | No tiene |
Matías Díaz | Meléndez, C., Díaz, M., Rojas, R. Cárdenas, R., Espinoza, M. |
Control of a Double Fed Induction Generator based Wind Energy Conversion System equipped with a Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter |
14th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER 2019), Monte-Carlo, Mónica. |
978-172813703-2 | 10.1109/EVER.2019.8813552 |
Héctor Chávez | Sevilla, F.R.S., Korba, P., Barocio, E., Chavez, H., Sattinger, W. |
Data analytic tool for clustering identification based on dimensionality reduction of frequency measurements |
International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics, SGSMA 2019; Texas A and M University College Station; United States |
978-172811607-5 | 10.1109/SGSMA.2019.8784626 |
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Ahumada, C. | Design of a sextuple band microstrip antenna for wearable applications a WBAN the low SAR |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609766 |
Héctor Kaschel | Ahumada, C., Kaschel, H., Osorio-Comparsan, R., Lefranc, G. |
Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna with quarter wave transformer for ISM Band |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8986857 |
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Ahumada, C. | Design of rectangular microstrip patch antenna for 2.4 GHz applied a WBAN |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609703 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C. Cortés, J.C. y Pascal, J. |
Design, Construction and Control of a SCARA Manipulator with 6 Degrees of Freedom |
Journal of Applied Research and Technology |
1665-6423 | No tiene |
Matías Díaz | Duran, A., Diaz, M., Ibaceta, E., Rojas, F., Wheeler, P. |
Direct Power Control of Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter for Flexible AC Transmission System Applications |
2019 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988098 |
Claudio Urrea | Torres, H., Urrea, C., Kern, J. | Driving a 3 DOF robotic manipulator with protected data through industrial communication using master-slave architecture |
4th IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control, CCAC 2019; Medellin; Colombia |
978-153866962-4 | 10.1109/CCAC.2019.8921340 |
John Kern | Torres, H., Urrea, C., Kern, J. | Driving a 3 DOF robotic manipulator with protected data through industrial communication using master-slave architecture |
4th IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control, CCAC 2019; Medellin; Colombia |
978-153866962-4 | 10.1109/CCAC.2019.8921340 |
Matías Díaz | Lillo, J., Rojas, F., Verdugo, D., Díaz, M., Pereda, J., Gatica, G., Espinoza, M. |
Dynamic DC-Link Voltage Control of Back to Back Modular Multilevel Converter for Drive Applications |
ECON 2019 – 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019 |
978-1-7281-4879-3 | 10.1109/IECON.2019.8927583 |
Héctor Chávez | Troncoso, N., Rojo-González, L., Villalobos, M., Vásquez, O.C., Chávez, H. |
Economic decision-making tool for distributed solar photovoltaic panels and storage: The case of Chile |
2018 Renewable Energy Integration with Mini/Microgrid, REM 2018; Rhodes; Greece |
1876-6102 | 10.1016/j.egypro.2018.12.071 |
Enrique Espina | Espinoza, M., Cardenas, R., Diaz, M., Espina, E., Letelier, A., Mora, A. |
Effects of a Variable dc-Port Voltage on the Half-Bridge-Based Modular Multilevel Converter to Drive Systems |
21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2019 ECCE Europe; Genova; Italy |
978-907581531-3 | 10.23919/EPE.2019.8915500 |
Matías Díaz | Espinoza, M., Cardenas, R., Diaz, M., Espina, E., Letelier, A., Mora, A. |
Effects of a Variable dc-Port Voltage on the Half-Bridge-Based Modular Multilevel Converter to Drive Systems |
21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2019 ECCE Europe; Genova; Italy |
978-907581531-3 | 10.23919/EPE.2019.8915500 |
Enrique Espina | Urrutia, M., Donoso, F., Mora, A., Espina, E., Diaz, M., Cardenas, R. |
Enhanced Circulating-current Control for the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter Based on Model Predictive Control |
21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2019 ECCE Europe; Genova; Italy |
978-907581531-3 | 10.23919/EPE.2019.8915401 |
Matías Díaz | Urrutia, M., Donoso, F., Mora, A., Espina, E., Diaz, M., Cardenas, R. |
Enhanced Circulating-current Control for the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter Based on Model Predictive Control |
21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2019 ECCE Europe; Genova; Italy |
978-907581531-3 | 10.23919/EPE.2019.8915401 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea C., Morales C. | Enhancing Modbus-RTU Communications for Smart Metering in Building Energy Management Systems |
Security and Communication Networks |
1939-0114 | 10.1155/2019/7010717 |
Marcela Jamett | Morales, F., Jamett, M. | Explosive detection system based on Leddar sensor and Self-Organizing Maps in controled environments |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988039 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., Firoozabadi, AD. | Facility Location with Tree Topology and Radial Distance Constraints |
Complexity | 1076-2787 | 10.1155/2019/9723718 |
Matías Díaz | Contreras, C., Guajardo, D., Diaz, D., Rojas, F., Espinoza, M., Cardenas, R. |
Fast delayed signal cancellation based PLL for unbalanced grid conditions |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609741 |
Matías Díaz | Diaz, M., Ibaceta, E., Duran, A., Melendez, C., Urrutia, M., Rojas, F. |
Field Oriented Control of a Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter based Variable Speed Drive |
21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2019 ECCE Europe; Genova; Italy; 2019. |
978-907581531-3 | 10.23919/EPE.2019.8915108 |
Héctor Chávez | Melendez, C., Diaz, M., Cerda, S., Rojas, F., Chavez, H. |
Frequency support control of a modular multilevel matrix converter based wind energy conversion system |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609738 |
Matías Díaz | Melendez, C., Diaz, M., Cerda, S., Rojas, F., Chavez, H. |
Frequency support control of a modular multilevel matrix converter based wind energy conversion system |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609738 |
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, K., Viera, E. | High availability routing protocol for WSN |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609714 |
Héctor Kaschel | Viera, E., Kaschel, H. | Identification and process control for MISO systems, with artificial neural networks and PID controller |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609763 |
John Kern | Auquilla, A., Torres, H., Alvarado-Cando, O., Kern, J., Sari-Cedillo, P. |
Implementation of a telerobotic system based on the kinect sensor for the inclusion of people with physical disabilities in the industrial sector |
4th IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control, CCAC 2019; Medellin; Colombia |
978-153866962-4 | 10.1109/CCAC.2019.8921359 |
Matías Díaz | Cerda, C., Rojas, F., Pineda, C., Pereda, J., Díaz, M., Salgado, J., Droguett, G., Valdés, D., Gatica, G. |
Inductor design for a High performance DC-DC Modular Multilevel Converter |
2019 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | DOI: 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988111 |
Enrique San Juan | Adasme, P., San Juan, E., Soto, I. Firoozabadi, AD, | Integer Programming Models for Wireless Networks with Star Backbone Topology |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8987467 |
Ismael Soto | Adasme, P., San Juan, E., Soto, I. Firoozabadi, AD, | Integer Programming Models for Wireless Networks with Star Backbone Topology |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8987467 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., San Juan, E., Soto, I. Firoozabadi, AD, | Integer Programming Models for Wireless Networks with Star Backbone Topology |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8987467 |
Héctor Chávez | Contreras, F., Chavez, H., Barbosa, K. |
Limitations on Primary Frequency Control Adequacy Constraints in the Economic Dispatch |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988044 |
Karina Acosta | Contreras, F., Chavez, H., Barbosa, K. |
Limitations on Primary Frequency Control Adequacy Constraints in the Economic Dispatch |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988044 |
Matías Díaz | Salgado, J., Rojas, F., Pereda, J., Díaz, M., Gatica, G. |
Linear Control applied to a non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter with Interleave technique powered by variable sources |
2019 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | DOI: 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988100 |
Enrique Espina | Vargas, C., Morales, R., Sáez, D., Hernandez, R., Muñoz, C., Huircán, J., Espina, E., Alarcón, C., Caquilpan, V., Painemal, N., Roje, T., Cárdenas, R. |
Methodology for Microgrid/Smart Farm Systems: Case of Study Applied to Indigenous Mapuche Communities |
2nd International Conference of ICT for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change, AACC 2018; Cali; Colombia |
ISSN: 21945357 | 10.1007/978-3-030-04447-3_6 |
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Cordero, S., Costoya, E. |
Modeling and simulation of the ITM model for point to point prediction on digital television extensible to other technologies |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609838 |
Cristhian Becker | Verdejo, H., Awerkin, A., Kliemann, W., Becker, C. |
Modelling uncertainties in electrical power systems with stochastic differential equations |
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems |
0142-0615 | 10.1016/j.ijepes.2019.05.054 |
Humberto Verdejo | Verdejo, H., Awerkin, A., Kliemann, W., Becker, C. |
Modelling uncertainties in electrical power systems with stochastic differential equations |
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems |
0142-0615 | 10.1016/j.ijepes.2019.05.054 |
Matías Díaz | A. Mora, M. Urrutia, R. Cardenas, A. Angulo, M. Espinoza, M. Díaz and P. Lezana |
Model-Predictive-Control-Based Capacitor Voltage Balancing Strategies for Modular Multilevel Converters |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics |
0278-0046 | 10.1109/TIE.2018.2844842 |
Matías Díaz | Droguett, G., Rojas, F., Arancibia, D., Díaz, M., Mirzaeva, G., Uriarte, M. |
Nearest level control for a three-phase to single-phase modular multilevel converter for solid state transformers |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609787 |
Claudio Valencia | Soto, I., Adasme, P., San Juan E., Valencia, C. Azurdia-M, C. |
New triangular VLC cell plus protocol to uplink the data in VSAT/GPS format |
2019 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | DOI: 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988057 |
Enrique San Juan | Soto, I., Adasme, P., San Juan E., Valencia, C. Azurdia-M, C. |
New triangular VLC cell plus protocol to uplink the data in VSAT/GPS format |
2019 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | DOI: 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988057 |
Ismael Soto | Soto, I., Adasme, P., San Juan E., Valencia, C. Azurdia-M, C. |
New triangular VLC cell plus protocol to uplink the data in VSAT/GPS format |
2019 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | DOI: 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988057 |
Pablo Adasme | Soto, I., Adasme, P., San Juan E., Valencia, C. Azurdia-M, C. |
New triangular VLC cell plus protocol to uplink the data in VSAT/GPS format |
2019 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | DOI: 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988057 |
Claudio Valencia | Lopez, N., Azurdia-M, C. Valencia, C., Montejo, S. |
On the performance of 6LoWPAN using TSCH/Orchestra mode against a jamming attack |
2019 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | DOI: 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988035 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P. | Optimal sub-tree scheduling for wireless sensor networks with partial coverage |
Computer Standards & Interfaces |
0920-5489 | 10.1016/j.csi.2018.04.002 |
Matías Díaz | Verdugo, D., Rojas, F., Lillo, J., Díaz, M., Pereda, J., Gatica, G. |
Phase-shifted Pulse Width Modulation with alternate zeros voltage for parallel connection of H-Bridges for High-Current Low-Voltage applications |
ECON 2019 – 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019 |
978-1-7281-4879-3 | 10.1109/IECON.2019.8927568 |
Enrique Espina | Donoso, F., Cárdenas, R., Espina, E., Espinoza, M., Mora, A., Urrutia, M. |
Predictive-based Modulation Schemes for the Hybrid Modular Multilevel Converter |
21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’19 ECCE Europe |
978-907581531-3 | 10.23919/EPE.2019.8914876 |
Karina Acosta | Verdugo, D., Borquez, J., Barbosa, K.A., Rojas, F. |
Robust voltage regulation of a stand alone uncertain single-stage boost inverter |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609797 |
Héctor Kaschel | Ahumada, C., Kaschel, H. | Security Mechanism to Protect the Privacy and Security of Patients Who have cardiovascular Diseases (ECG) |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8987984 |
Enrique San Juan | San Juan, E., Firoozabadi, AD, Adasme, P., Soto, I., Cañete, L. |
Spanish Syllables Recognition by Wavelet and Cross Covariance |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8987522 |
Ismael Soto | San Juan, E., Firoozabadi, AD, Adasme, P., Soto, I., Cañete, L. |
Spanish Syllables Recognition by Wavelet and Cross Covariance |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8987522 |
Pablo Adasme | San Juan, E., Firoozabadi, AD, Adasme, P., Soto, I., Cañete, L. |
Spanish Syllables Recognition by Wavelet and Cross Covariance |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8987522 |
Karina Acosta | Nicholls, F.M., Barbosa, K.A. | State feedback regulation on port-Hamiltonian systems: A convex based approach |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609834 |
Héctor Chávez | Gonzalez, C., Chavez, H. | The Andean regional electricity market: Energy trade opportunities in the south cone |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988047 |
Héctor Chávez | Rebolledo, I., Acuna, R., Rivera, M., Chavez, H. |
Towards Distribution Revenue Adequacy in Chile: Lessons Learned from Australia |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988036 |
Héctor Chávez | Fuentes, C., Nunez, V., Chavez, H. |
Towards Frequency-Responsive Solid-State Transformers |
2019 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | DOI: 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988070 |
Héctor Chávez | Quiroz, J., Chavez, H. | Towards on-line PMU-based model calibration for look-ahead frequency analysis |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/PTC.2019.8810759 |
Héctor Chávez | Castro, M., Pena, J., Chavez, H. | Towards representing load dynamics on primary frequency control-constrained Unit Commitment |
IEEE International Conference on Automation/23rd Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: Towards an Industry 4.0, ICA-ACCA 2018; Greater Concepcion; Chile |
978-153865586-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2018.8609796 |
Cristhian Becker | Verdejo, H., Torres, R., Pino, V., Kliemann, W., Becker, C., Delpiano, J. |
Tuning of Controllers in Power Systems Using a Heuristic-Stochastic Approach |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en12122325 |
Humberto Verdejo | Verdejo, H., Torres, R., Pino, V., Kliemann, W., Becker, C., Delpiano, J. |
Tuning of Controllers in Power Systems Using a Heuristic-Stochastic Approach |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en12122325 |
Matías Díaz | Wendel, S., Geiger, A., Liegmann, E., Arancibia, D., Duren, E., Kreppel, Rojas, F., Popp-Nowak, F., Díaz, M., Dietz, A., Kennel, R., Wagner, B. |
UltraZohm – a Powerful Real-Time Computation Platform for MPC and Multi-Level Inverters |
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, PRECEDE 2019; Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing, Haixi Institutes, Chinese Academy of SciencesQuanzhou; China |
978-153869414-5 | 10.1109/PRECEDE.2019.8753306 |
Matías Díaz | Ibaceta, E., Díaz, M., Durán, A., Rojas, F., Espinoza, M., Mora, A. |
Vector Control of a Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter for Variable-Speed Drive Applications |
2019 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988099 |
Matías Díaz | Diaz, M., Cardenas, R., Espinoza, M., Hackl, C.M., Rojas, F., Clare, J.C., Wheeler, P. |
Vector Control of a Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter Operating Over the Full Output-Frequency Range |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics |
0278-0046 | 10.1109/TIE.2018.2870367 |
Matías Díaz | Díaz, M., Espinoza, M., Rojas, F., Wheeler, P., Cardenas, R. |
Vector control strategies to enable equal frequency operation of the modular multilevel matrix converter |
Journal of Engineering-Joe | 2051-3305 | No tiene |
Héctor Chávez | Nuñez, V., Fuentes, C., Lismayes, A., Chavez, H. | Virtual Inertia from Distributed PV Converters |
2019 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | DOI: 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988012 |
Fabián Seguel | Seguel, F., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Soto, I. |
Visible light positioning based on architecture information: method and performance |
IET Communications | 1751-8628 | 10.1049/iet-com.2018.5623 |
Ismael Soto | Seguel, F., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Soto, I. |
Visible light positioning based on architecture information: method and performance |
IET Communications | 1751-8628 | 10.1049/iet-com.2018.5623 |
Héctor Kaschel | Osorio-Comparan, R., Vázquez, EDJ, Lopez-Juárez, I., Peña, M., Tovar, R., Ahumada, C., Kaschel, H., Lefranc, G. |
Vision System for a Kuka KR-5 Industrial Manipulator |
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2019; Valparaiso; Chile |
978-172813185-6 | 10.1109/CHILECON47746.2019.8988027 |
Año 2018
Profesor | Autor / Autores | Titulo del Artículo | Nombre Revista | ISBN | DOI |
Ismael Soto | Firoozabadi, A.D., Durney, H., Soto, I., Olave, M.S. | 3D localization of multiple simultaneous speakers with discrete wavelet transform and proposed 3D nested microphone array |
26th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2018; Rome; Italy |
2219-5491 | 10.23919/EUSIPCO.2018.8553471 |
John Kern | Cueva, C.W.F., Torres, S.H.M., Kern, J. |
7 DOF industrial robot controlled by hand gestures using microsoft kinect v2 |
3rd IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control, CCAC 2017; Cartagena; Colombia |
978-153860398-7 | 10.1109/CCAC.2017.8276455 |
Ismael Soto | Serey, J., Ternero, R., Soto, I., Quezada, L. |
A competency model to help selecting the information security method for platforms of communication by Visible Light (VLC) |
1st South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications, SACVLC 2017; Santiago; Chile |
978-153861782-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC.2017.8267461 |
Ismael Soto | Araya, A., Jiron, I., Soto, I. | A new key exchange algorithm over a VLC indoor channel |
1st South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications, SACVLC 2017; Santiago; Chile |
978-153861782-3 | 0.1109/SACVLC.2017.8267603 |
Matías Díaz | Urrutia, M., Mora, A., Angulo, A., Lezana, P., Cardenas, R., Diaz, M. |
A novel Capacitor Voltage Balancing strategy for Modular Multilevel Converters |
2017 IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2017; Hotel Enjoy Puerto VarasPuerto Varas; Chile; |
978-150906425-0 | 10.1109/SPEC.2017.8333630 |
Enrique Espina | Espinoza, M., Donoso, F., Espina, E., Diaz, M., Cardenas, R. |
A Novel Control Strategy for Modular Multilevel-Based Drives Considering the System Operating Point |
20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’18 ECCE Europe) |
978-907581528-3 | No tiene |
Matías Díaz | Espinoza, R., Donoso, F., Espina, E., Diaz, M., Cardenas, R. |
A novel control strategy for modular multilevel-based drives considering the system operating point |
20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2018 ECCE Europe; Riga; Latvia |
978-907581528-3 | No tiene |
Fabián Seguel | Seguel, F., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Adasme, P. |
A range free localization method for overlapped optical attocells using neighbor’s information |
11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2018; Budapest; Hungary |
978-153861335-1 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471895 |
Ismael Soto | Seguel, F., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Adasme, P. |
A range free localization method for overlapped optical attocells using neighbor’s information |
11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2018; Budapest; Hungary |
978-153861335-1 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471895 |
Pablo Adasme | Seguel, F., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Adasme, P. |
A range free localization method for overlapped optical attocells using neighbor’s information |
11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2018; Budapest; Hungary |
978-153861335-1 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471895 |
Matías Díaz | Rojas, F., Diaz, M., Espinoza, M., Cárdenas, R. |
A solid state transformer based on a three-phase to single-phase Modular Multilevel Converter for power distribution networks |
2017 IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2017; Hotel Enjoy Puerto VarasPuerto Varas; Chile |
978-150906425-0 | 10.1109/SPEC.2017.8333627 |
Karina Acosta | KA. Barbosa, CE. De Souza, D. Coutinho |
Admissibility analysis of discrete linear time-varying descriptor systems |
AUTOMATICA | 0005-1098 | 10.1016/j.automatica.2018.01.033 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Pascal, J. | Algorithms for the generation of autonomous routes |
Journal of Applied Research and Technology |
1665-6423 | No tiene |
Claudio Urrea | Torres, H., Auquilla, A., Alvarado-Cando, O., Urrea, C. |
An Industrial Application of a Human-Robot Interface for People with Physical Disabilities Using Hand Gestures |
9th IEEE ANDESCON, ANDESCON 2018; Cali; Colombia |
978-153868372-9 | 10.1109/ANDESCON.2018.8564654 |
Matías Díaz | Donoso, F., Espinoza, M., Diaz, M., Letelier, A., Cardenas, I.R. |
Back-to-Back Modular Multilevel Converter for drive applications under unbalanced grid conditions |
20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2018 ECCE Europe; Riga; Latvia |
978-907581528-3 | No tiene |
Karina Acosta | Barbosa, K.A., Coutinho, D., De Souza, C.E., Rodríguez, C. |
Bounded real lemma for discrete linear time-varying descriptor systems |
2017 11th Asian Control Conference, ASCC 2017; Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition CentreGold Coast; Australia |
978-150901573-3 | 10.1109/ASCC.2017.8287453 |
Ismael Soto | Carrasco, R., Vargas, M., Alfaro, M., Soto, I., Fuentealba, D., Banguera, L., Fuertes, G. |
Chaotic time series for copper’s price forecast: neural networks and the discovery of knowledge for big data |
18th IFIP WG 8.1 International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations, ICISO 2018; Reading; United Kingdom |
1868-4238 | 10.1007/978-3-319-94541-5_28 |
Matías Díaz | Diaz, M., Rojas, F., Espinoza, M., Mora, A., Wheeler, P., Cardenas, R. |
Closed loop vector control of the modular multilevel matrix converter for equal input-output operating frequencies |
2017 IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2017; Hotel Enjoy Puerto VarasPuerto Varas; Chile |
978-150906425-0 | 10.1109/SPEC.2017.8333629 |
Enrique San Juan | Juan, E.S., Soto, I., Adasme, P., Canete, L., Seguel, F., Gutierrez, W., Melendez, C., Firoozabadi, A.D. |
Comparison between FastICA and InfoMax for the blind separation of audio signals |
11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2018; Budapest; Hungary |
978-153861335-1 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471822 |
Fabián Seguel | Juan, E.S., Soto, I., Adasme, P., Canete, L., Seguel, F., Gutierrez, W., Melendez, C., Firoozabadi, A.D. |
Comparison between FastICA and InfoMax for the blind separation of audio signals |
11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2018; Budapest; Hungary |
978-153861335-1 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471822 |
Ismael Soto | Juan, E.S., Soto, I., Adasme, P., Canete, L., Seguel, F., Gutierrez, W., Melendez, C., Firoozabadi, A.D. |
Comparison between FastICA and InfoMax for the blind separation of audio signals |
11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2018; Budapest; Hungary |
978-153861335-1 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471822 |
Pablo Adasme | Juan, E.S., Soto, I., Adasme, P., Canete, L., Seguel, F., Gutierrez, W., Melendez, C., Firoozabadi, A.D. |
Comparison between FastICA and InfoMax for the blind separation of audio signals |
11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2018; Budapest; Hungary |
978-153861335-1 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471822 |
Matías Díaz | Diaz, M., Rojas, F., Donoso, F., Cardenas, R., Espinoza, M., Mora, A., Wheeler, P. |
Control of modular multilevel cascade converters for offshore wind energy generation and transmission |
13th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, EVER 2018; Monte Carlo; Monaco |
978-153865966-3 | 10.1109/EVER.2018.8362406 |
Matías Díaz | Espinoza, M., Díaz, M., Espina, E., Hackl, C.M., Cardenas, E. |
Control strategies for modular multilevel converters driving cage machines |
2017 IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2017; Hotel Enjoy Puerto VarasPuerto Varas; Chile |
978-150906425-0 | 10.1109/SPEC.2017.8333628 |
Fabián Seguel | Seguel, F., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Bombadier, V., Soto, I. |
Convex Polygon Positioning for Homogeneous Optical Wireless Networks |
9th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2018; Nantes; France |
978-153865635-8 | 10.1109/IPIN.2018.8533863 |
Ismael Soto | Seguel, F., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Bombadier, V., Soto, I. |
Convex Polygon Positioning for Homogeneous Optical Wireless Networks |
9th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2018; Nantes; France |
978-153865635-8 | 10.1109/IPIN.2018.8533863 |
Claudio Urrea | C. Urrea, D. Venegas | Design and Development of Control Systems for an Aircraft. Comparison of Performances through Computational Simulations |
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 1548-0992 | 10.1109/TLA.2018.8358649 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C. y Pascal, J. | Design, Simulation, Comparison and Evaluation of Parameter Identification Methods for an Industrial Robot |
Computers & Electrical Engineering |
0045-7906 | 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2016.09.004 |
Ismael Soto | Villanueva, A.A., Araya, I.J., Soto, I. |
Diffie-hellman protocol with a combination of hyperelliptic curves and neural synchronization |
Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería |
0718-3291 | 10.4067/S0718-33052018000500006 |
Marcela Jamett | Bongain, S., Jamett, M. | Electrohydraulic Active Suspension Fuzzy-Neural Based Control System |
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 1548-0992 | 10.1109/TLA.2018.8789568 |
Ismael Soto | Montejo- Sanchez, S., Azurdia-Meza, C., Aranda-Cubillo, J., Souza, R.D., Fernandez, E.M.G, Soto, I. |
Energy-Efficient transmission strategies with multiple radios in cognitive radio: Beyond rendezvous |
2018 IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing, COLCOM 2018; Medellin; Colombia |
978-153866820-7 | 10.1109/ColComCon.2018.8466335 |
Fabián Seguel | Adasme, P., Soto, I., Seguel, F. | Finding degree constrained k-cardinality minimum spanning trees for wireless sensor networks |
15th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems, MobiWis 2018; Barcelona; Spain |
0302-9743 | 10.1007/978-3-319-97163-6_5 |
Ismael Soto | Adasme, P., Soto, I., Seguel, F. | Finding degree constrained k-cardinality minimum spanning trees for wireless sensor networks |
15th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems, MobiWis 2018; Barcelona; Spain |
0302-9743 | 10.1007/978-3-319-97163-6_5 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., Soto, I., Seguel, F. | Finding degree constrained k-cardinality minimum spanning trees for wireless sensor networks |
15th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems, MobiWis 2018; Barcelona; Spain |
0302-9743 | 10.1007/978-3-319-97163-6_5 |
Ismael Soto | Carrasco, R., Astudillo, G., Soto, I., Chacon, M., Fuentealba. D. |
Forecast of copper price series using vector support machines |
7th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management, ICITM 2018; Oxford; United Kingdom |
978-153861329-0 | 10.1109/ICITM.2018.8333979 |
Karina Acosta | De Souza, C.E., Coutinho, D., Barbosa, K.A. |
Guaranteed cost control of quadratic time-delay systems |
2017 11th Asian Control Conference, ASCC 2017; Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition CentreGold Coast; Australia |
978-150901573-3 | 10.1109/ASCC.2017.8287435 |
Claudio Urrea | Torres, H., Urrea, C., Kern, J., Alvarado-Cando, O. |
Hamming Code to Data Protection in a Modbus Industrial Communication: Experimental Results |
3rd IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting, ETCM 2018; Cuenca; Ecuador |
978-153866657-9 | 10.1109/ETCM.2018.8580291 |
John Kern | Torres, H., Urrea, C., Kern, J., Alvarado-Cando, O. |
Hamming Code to Data Protection in a Modbus Industrial Communication: Experimental Results |
3rd IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting, ETCM 2018; Cuenca; Ecuador |
978-153866657-9 | 10.1109/ETCM.2018.8580291 |
Ismael Soto | Matus, V., Azurdia-Meza, C.A., Céspedes, S., Ortega, P., Montejo-Sánchez, S., Rojas, J., Soto, I. |
Implementation of a Low-Cost Vehicular VLC System and CAN Bus Interface |
11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2018; Budapest; Hungary |
978-153861335-1 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471768 |
Ismael Soto | Aguirre, D., Navarrete, R., Soto, I., Gutierrez, S. |
Implementation of an emitting LED circuit in a Visible Light communications positioning system |
1st South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications, SACVLC 2017; Santiago; Chile |
978-153861782-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC.2017.8267602 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., Andrade, R., Leung, J., Lisser, A. |
Improved solution strategies for dominating trees |
Expert Systems with Applications | 0957-4174 | 10.1016/j.eswa.2018.01.031 |
Ismael Soto | Gonzalez, A., Carrasco, R., Soto, I., Alfaro, M., Fuentealba, D. |
Location evaluation for implementation of VLC, in Chile |
7th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management, ICITM 2018; Oxford; United Kingdom |
978-153861329-0 | 10.1109/ICITM.2018.8333960 |
Fabián Seguel | Florent, L., Seguel, F., Vincent, B., Nicolas, K., Patrick, C., Bertrand, P. |
Multiple speaker localization and identification through multiple camera and visible light communication |
2018 Global LIFI Congress, GLC 2018; Paris; France |
978-295630910-9 | 10.23919/GLC.2018.8319102 |
Ismael Soto | Fuertes, G., Alfaro, M., Soto, I., Carrasco, R., Iturralde, D., Lagos, C. |
Optimization model for location of RFID antennas in a supply chain |
7th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control, ICCCC 2018; Oradea; Romania |
978-153861934-6 | 10.1109/ICCCC.2018.8390459 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P. | p-Median based formulations with backbone facility locations |
Applied Soft Computing | 1568-4946 | 10.1016/j.asoc.2018.03.008 |
Fabián Seguel | Seguel, F., Soto, I., Adasme, P., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P. |
Potential and challenges of VLC based IPS in underground mines |
1st South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications, SACVLC 2017; Santiago; Chile |
978-153861782-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC.2017.8267610 |
Ismael Soto | Seguel, F., Soto, I., Adasme, P., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P. |
Potential and challenges of VLC based IPS in underground mines |
1st South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications, SACVLC 2017; Santiago; Chile |
978-153861782-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC.2017.8267610 |
Pablo Adasme | Seguel, F., Soto, I., Adasme, P., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P. |
Potential and challenges of VLC based IPS in underground mines |
1st South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications, SACVLC 2017; Santiago; Chile |
978-153861782-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC.2017.8267610 |
Ismael Soto | Lagos, C., Carrasco, R., Soto, I., Fuertes, G., Alfaro, M., Vargas, M. |
Predictive analysis of energy consumption in minining for making decisions |
7th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control, ICCCC 2018; Oradea; Romania |
978-153861934-6 | 10.1109/ICCCC.2018.8390470 |
Enrique San Juan | Adasme, P., Soto, I., Juan, E.S., Seguel, F., Krommenacker, N. |
Probabilistic Constrained Approach for Clustering in Multi-Cell Wireless Networks |
11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2018; Budapest; Hungary |
978-153861335-1 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471847 |
Fabián Seguel | Adasme, P., Soto, I., Juan, E.S., Seguel, F., Krommenacker, N. |
Probabilistic Constrained Approach for Clustering in Multi-Cell Wireless Networks |
11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2018; Budapest; Hungary |
978-153861335-1 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471847 |
Ismael Soto | Adasme, P., Soto, I., Juan, E.S., Seguel, F., Krommenacker, N. |
Probabilistic Constrained Approach for Clustering in Multi-Cell Wireless Networks |
11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2018; Budapest; Hungary |
978-153861335-1 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471847 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., Soto, I., Juan, E.S., Seguel, F., Krommenacker, N. |
Probabilistic Constrained Approach for Clustering in Multi-Cell Wireless Networks |
11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2018; Budapest; Hungary |
978-153861335-1 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471847 |
Karina Acosta | Rodríguez, C., Barbosa, K.A., Coutinho, D. |
Robust H∞ state-feedback design for discrete-time descriptor systems |
IFAC-PapersOnLine | 2405-8963 | 10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.11.085 |
Claudio Valencia | Ortega, N., Valencia, C. | Secrecy Capacity Bounds Analysis for Physical Layer Security Based on Game Theory |
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 1548-0992 | 10.1109/TLA.2018.8789559 |
Enrique San Juan | Juan, E.S., Soto, I., Salinas, G., Adasme, P. |
Separation of VLC signals using FastIca and InfoMax |
1st South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications, SACVLC 2017; Santiago; Chile |
978-153861782-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC.2017.8267612 |
Ismael Soto | Juan, E.S., Soto, I., Salinas, G., Adasme, P. |
Separation of VLC signals using FastIca and InfoMax |
1st South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications, SACVLC 2017; Santiago; Chile |
978-153861782-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC.2017.8267612 |
Pablo Adasme | Juan, E.S., Soto, I., Salinas, G., Adasme, P. |
Separation of VLC signals using FastIca and InfoMax |
1st South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications, SACVLC 2017; Santiago; Chile |
978-153861782-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC.2017.8267612 |
Ismael Soto | Firoozabadi, A.D., Durney, H., Soto, I., Olave, M.S. |
Sound Source Localization by Proposed Subband Adaptive GEVD Algorithm Based on GammaTone Filter Bank in Undesirable Acoustical Conditions |
11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2018; Budapest; Hungary |
978-153861335-1 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2018.8471763 |
Enrique San Juan | Adasme, P., Seguel, F., Soto, I., Juan, E.S. |
Spatial time division multiple access for visible light communication networks |
1st South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications, SACVLC 2017; Santiago; Chile |
978-153861782-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC.2017.8267605 |
Fabián Seguel | Adasme, P., Seguel, F., Soto, I., Juan, E.S. |
Spatial time division multiple access for visible light communication networks |
1st South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications, SACVLC 2017; Santiago; Chile |
978-153861782-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC.2017.8267605 |
Ismael Soto | Adasme, P., Seguel, F., Soto, I., Juan, E.S. |
Spatial time division multiple access for visible light communication networks |
1st South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications, SACVLC 2017; Santiago; Chile |
978-153861782-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC.2017.8267605 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., Seguel, F., Soto, I., Juan, E.S. | Spatial time division multiple access for visible light communication networks |
1st South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications, SACVLC 2017; Santiago; Chile |
978-153861782-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC.2017.8267605 |
Ismael Soto | Fuentealba, D., Soto, I., Liu, K., Martinez, A.J. | Tracking system with VLC for underground mine using multi-agent systems |
1st South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications, SACVLC 2017; Santiago; Chile |
978-153861782-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC.2017.8267460 |
Año 2017
Profesor | Autor / Autores | Titulo del Artículo | Nombre Revista | ISBN | DOI |
María Estela | Estela, MC. | A barnes-wall lattice general scheme for the K-user symmetric interference channel |
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017; Pucon |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229594 |
María Estela | Estela, M.C. | A barnes-wall lattice general scheme for the K-user symmetric interference channel |
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017; Pucon; Chile |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229594 |
Ismael Soto | Jiron I., Soto, I., Azurdia-Meza, C.A., Valencia, A. y Carrasco R. |
A new DNA cryptosystem based on AG codes evaluated in gaussian channels |
Telecommunication Systems | 1018-4864 | 10.1007/s11235-016-0175-1 |
Matías Díaz | F. Rojas, R. Kennel, R. Cardenas, R. Repenning, J. C. Clare, and M. Diaz |
A New Space-Vector-Modulation Algorithm for a Three-Level Four-Leg NPC Inverter |
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion |
0885-8969 | 10.1109/TEC.2016.2605076 |
Fabián Seguel | Iturralde, D., Seguel, F., Soto, I., Azurdia, C. y Khan, S. |
A new VLC System for Localization in Underground Mining Tunnels |
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 1548-0992 | 10.1109/TLA.2017.7896341 |
Ismael Soto | Iturralde, D., Seguel, F., Soto, I., Azurdia, C. y Khan, S. |
A new VLC System for Localization in Underground Mining Tunnels |
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 1548-0992 | 10.1109/TLA.2017.7896341 |
Fabián Seguel | Seguel, F., Firoozabadi, A.D., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
A novel strategy for LED re-utilization for visible light communications |
OPTIK | 0030-4026 | 10.1016/j.ijleo.2017.10.121 |
Ismael Soto | Seguel, F., Firoozabadi, A.D., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
A novel strategy for LED re-utilization for visible light communications |
OPTIK | 0030-4026 | 10.1016/j.ijleo.2017.10.121 |
Pablo Adasme | Seguel F., Firoozabadi A.D., Adasme P., Soto I., Krommenacker N., Azurdia-Meza C |
A novel strategy for LED re-utilization for visible light communications |
OPTIK | 0030-4026 | 10.1016/j.ijleo.2017.10.121 |
Matías Díaz | F. Rojas, R. Cardenas-Dobson, R. Kennel, J. Clare, and M. Diaz |
A Simplified Space-Vector Modulation Algorithm for Four-Leg NPC Converters |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics |
0278-0046 | 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2618061 |
Cristhian Becker | Verdejo, H., Kliemann, W., Becker, C. |
A stochastic methodology to adjust controllers based on moments Lyapunov exponents: Application to power systems |
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems |
0142-0615 | 10.1016/j.ijepes.2017.05.013 |
Humberto Verdejo | Verdejo, H., Kliemann, W., Becker, C. |
A stochastic methodology to adjust controllers based on moments Lyapunov exponents: Application to power systems |
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems |
0142-0615 | 10.1016/j.ijepes.2017.05.013 |
Enrique Espina | Espina, E., Espinoza, M., Cárdenas, R. |
Active Power Angle Droop Control per Phase for Unbalanced Microgrids |
3rd IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2017 |
978-150906425-0 | 10.1109/SPEC.2017.8333637 |
Ismael Soto | Montejo-Sánchez, S., Azurdia-Meza, C.A., Souza, R.D., Fernandez, E.M.G., Soto, I., Rebelatto, J.L. |
An alternative non-cooperative transmission scheme based on coded redundant information |
9th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications, LATINCOM 2017; Guatemala City; Guatemala |
978-153862098-4 | 10.1109/LATINCOM.2017.8240150 |
Matías Díaz | Espinoza, R. Cardenas, M. Diaz, and J. Clare |
An Enhanced dq-Based Vector Control System for Modular Multilevel Converters Feeding Variable-Speed Drives |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics |
0278-0046 | 10.1109/TIE.2016.2637894 |
Claudio Urrea | Henríquez, G., Urrea, C. | Association between air pollution and emergency consultations for respiratory diseases |
REVISTA MEDICA DE CHILE | 0034-9887 | No tiene |
Ismael Soto | Lagos, C., Carrasco, R., Fuentes, G., Gutiérrez, S., Soto, I. y Vargas, M. |
Big Data on Decision Making in Energetic Management of Copper Mining |
International Journal Of Computers Communications & Control |
1841-9836 | No tiene |
Marcela Jamett | Gutiérrez, W. y Jamett, M. | Combined approach using artificial vision and neural networks for facial recognition |
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017; Pucon; Chile |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229697 |
Claudio Valencia | Vilos, N.A.L., Cordero, C.V. | Constant jamming experimental results on indoor wireless sensor network |
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017; Pucon; Chile |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229601 |
Matías Díaz | M. Diaz, R. Cardenas, M. Espinoza, R. Felix, A. Mora, P. Wheeler, and J. Clare |
Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems Based on the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics |
0278-0046 | 10.1109/TIE.2017.2733467 |
Enrique Espina | Espinoza, M., Espina, E., Cárdenas, R. |
Control Strategies for Modular Multilevel Converters Driving Cage Machines |
3rd IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2017 |
978-150906425-0 | 10.1109/SPEC.2017.8333628 |
Héctor Kaschel | Perez, J. A., Soto, I., Kaschel, H., Jiron, I., Adasme, P., Denardin, J. |
Data Storage and Retrieval on Nanoparticles |
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 1548-0992 | 10.1109/TLA.2017.7959341 |
Ismael Soto | Perez, J. A., Soto, I., Kaschel, H., Jiron, I., Adasme, P., Denardin, J. |
Data Storage and Retrieval on Nanoparticles |
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 1548-0992 | 10.1109/TLA.2017.7959341 |
Pablo Adasme | Pérez J. A., Soto I., Kaschel H., Jiron I., Adasme P., Denardin J. |
Data Storage and Retrieval on Nanoparticles |
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 1548-0992 | 10.1109/TLA.2017.7959341 |
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Ahumada, C. | Design of a triband antenna microstrip for 2.4 GHz, 3.5 GHz and 5.7 GHz applied a WBAN |
IEEE CHILECON 2017- Proceedings | 978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229500 |
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel H., Viera E. | Development communications protocol for networks HAN in SmartGrids. |
Ingeniare Revista Chilena de Ingeniería |
0718-3291 | 10.4067/S0718-33052017000100015 |
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Toledo, K. | Energy Efficient Spectrum Management in Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks. |
IEEE CHILECON 2017- Proceedings | 978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229517 |
Ismael Soto | Mahu, R., Rojo, P., Firoozabadi, A.D., Soto, I., Sedaghati, E., Yoma, N.B. |
Estimation of exoplanetary planet-to-star radius ratio with homomorphic processing |
Astronomy and Computing | 2213-1337 | 10.1016/j.ascom.2017.07.005 |
Fabián Seguel | Firoozabadi,A.D., Seguel, F., Soto, I., Guevara, D., Huenupan, F., Curilem, M., Franco L. |
Evaluation of Llaima volcano activities for localization and classification of LP, VT and TR events |
Journal Of Electrical Engineering-Elektrotechnicky Casopis |
1335-3632 | 10.1515/jee-2017-0064 |
Ismael Soto | Firoozabadi,A.D., Seguel, F., Soto, I., Guevara, D., Huenupan, F., Curilem, M., Franco L. |
Evaluation of Llaima volcano activities for localization and classification of LP, VT and TR events |
Journal Of Electrical Engineering-Elektrotechnicky Casopis |
1335-3632 | 10.1515/jee-2017-0064 |
Héctor Kaschel | Cárdenas-Lattus, J., Kaschel, H. | Fetal ECG multi-level analysis using daubechies wavelet transform for non-invasive maternal abdominal ECG recordings |
IEEE CHILECON 2017- Proceedings | 978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229511 |
Claudio Urrea | Kern, J., Urrea, C., Torres, H. | Implementation and Comparison of Controllers for Planar Robots |
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology |
1975-0102 | 10.5370/JEET.2017.12.2.926 |
John Kern | Kern, J., Urrea, C., y Torres, H. |
Implementation and Comparison of Controllers for Planar Robots |
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology |
1975-0102 | 10.5370/JEET.2017.12.2.926 |
Ismael Soto | Firoozabadi, A.D., Abutalebi, H.R. y Soto, I. |
Incorporating GammaTone filterbank and Welch Spectral Estimation in Subband Processing-based localization of multiple simulations speakers |
Applied Acoustics | 0003-682X | 10.1016/j.apacoust.2017.04.006 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme P., Andrade R., Lisser A. | Minimum cost dominating tree sensor networks under probabilistic constraints |
Computer Networks | 1389-1286 | 10.1016/j.comnet.2016.11.011 |
Pablo Adasme | Morales, C., Adasme, P. | Modeling a simple traveler salesman problem for improving energy efficiency in robots that execute computer numerical control machining |
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017; Pucon; Chile |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229677 |
Fabián Seguel | Adasme, P., Soto, I., Seguel, F. | New formulations for an optimal connectivity approach for mobile Ad-hoc networks |
14th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems, MobiWIS 2017; Prague; Czech Republic |
0302-9743 | 10.1007/978-3-319-65515-4_21 |
Ismael Soto | Adasme, P., Soto, I., Seguel, F. | New formulations for an optimal connectivity approach for mobile Ad-hoc networks |
14th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems, MobiWIS 2017; Prague; Czech Republic |
0302-9743 | 10.1007/978-3-319-65515-4_21 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., Soto, I., Seguel, F. |
New formulations for an optimal connectivity approach for mobile Ad-hoc networks |
14th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems, MobiWIS 2017; Prague; Czech Republic |
ISSN: 03029743 | 10.1007/978-3-319-65515-4_21 |
ISBN: 978-331965514-7 |
Karina Acosta | Torres, G., Barbosa, K. A. y Cubillos, F. |
Non-linear Control Design to Direct Rotary Dryer. |
IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (IEEE Chilecon). |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229624 |
Ismael Soto | Montejo-Sánchez, S., Azurdia-Meza, C., Bolufé, S., Céspedes, S., Soto, I., Souza, R.D. |
Novel channel hopping sequence approaches to rendezvous for VANETs |
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017; Pucon; Chile |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229602 |
Claudio Urrea | Olmí, H., Urrea, C., Jamett, M. | Numeric Character Recognition System for Chilean License Plates in semicontrolled scenarios |
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems |
1875-6891 | 10.2991/ijcis.2017.10.1.28 |
Marcela Jamett | Olmi, H., Urrea, C. y Jamett, M. | Numeric Character Recognition System for Chilean License Plates in semicontrolled scenarios |
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems |
1875-6891 | 10.2991/ijcis.2017.10.1.28 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., Andrade, R., Leung, J., Lisser, A. |
On a Traveling Salesman based Bilevel Programming Problem. |
6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, ICORES 2017; Porto; Portugal |
978-989758218-9 | No tiene |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C. y Pascal, J. | Parameter Identification Methods for Real Redundant Manipulators |
Journal of Applied Research and Technology |
1665-6423 | 10.1016/j.jart.2017.02.004 |
Karina Acosta | Borquez, J., Ferber, M. y Barbosa, K. A. |
Parametric Uncertainty Analysis of Inverse Linear Electric Circuit Problems |
IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (IEEE Chilecon). |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229577 |
Héctor Chávez | Avila, T.; Gutierrez, E.; Chavez, H. |
Performance Standard-Compliant Secondary Control: The Case of Chile |
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 1548-0092 | 10.1109/TLA.2017.7959344 |
Ismael Soto | Adasme, P., Leung, J., Soto, I. | Progressive hedging and sample average approximation for the two-stage stochastic traveling salesman problem |
6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, ICORES 2017; Porto; Portugal |
978-989758218-9 | No tiene |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., Leung, J., Soto, I. | Progressive hedging and sample average approximation for the two-stage stochastic traveling salesman problem |
6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, ICORES 2017; Porto; Portugal |
978-989758218-9 | No tiene |
Cristhian Becker | Verdejo, H., Awerkin, A., Becker, C. y Olguín, G. |
Statistic linear parametric techniques for residential electric energy demand forecasting. A review and an implementation to Chile |
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews |
1364-0321 | 10.1016/j.rser.2017.01.110 |
Humberto Verdejo | Verdejo, H., Awerkin, A., Becker, C. y Olguín, G. |
Statistic linear parametric techniques for residential electric energy demand forecasting. A review and an implementation to Chile. |
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews |
1364-0321 | 10.1016/j.rser.2017.01.110 |
Cristhian Becker | Awerkin, A., Barbosa, K., Verdejo, H., Becker, C. |
Statistical parametric techniques for power residential demand forecasting |
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017; Pucon; Chile |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229548 |
Humberto Verdejo | Awerkin, A., Barbosa, K., Verdejo, H., Becker, C. |
Statistical parametric techniques for power residential demand forecasting |
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017; Pucon; Chile |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229548 |
Karina Acosta | Awerkin, A., Barbosa, K., Verdejo, H., Becker, C. |
Statistical parametric techniques for power residential demand forecasting |
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017; Pucon; Chile |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229548 |
Héctor Chávez | Gonzalez Roa, D. y Chavez, H. | Towards optimal wind power plant connecting line dimmensioning |
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017; Pucon; Chile |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229559 |
Claudio Valencia | Ortega, N., Valencia, C. | Towards physical layer security systems design using game theory approaches |
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017; Pucon; Chile |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229597 |
Héctor Chávez | Avila, T., Chavez, H., Del Piano, J., Segundo, F. |
Towards systematic tuning of standard-compliant, multi-area AGC systems |
2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, Powertech 2017; Manchester; United Kingdom |
978-150904237-1 | 10.1109/PTC.2017.7980799 |
Héctor Chávez | Riquelme, E., y Chavez, H. | Towards system-wise synthetic inertia models to study power system frequency response |
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017; Pucon; Chile |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229560 |
Ismael Soto | Firoozabadi, A.D., Díaz, A., Rojo, P., Soto, I., Mahu, R., Yoma, N.B. y Sedaghati, E. |
Unsupervised Method for Correlated Noise Removal for Multi-wavelength Exoplanet Transit Observations |
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific |
1599855 | 10.1088/1538-3873/aa70df |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme P. | Visible light communication networks under ring and tree topology constraints |
Computer Standards & Interfaces |
0920-5489 | 10.1016/j.csi.2016.12.004 |
Fabián Seguel | Carrasco, R., Soto, I., Seguel, F., Osorio-Valenzuela, L., Lagos, C., Flores, C. |
Water balance analysis in plantations of strawberries, in the commune of San Pedro |
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017; Pucon; Chile |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229715 |
Ismael Soto | Carrasco, R., Soto, I., Seguel, F., Osorio-Valenzuela, L., Lagos, C., Flores, C. |
Water balance analysis in plantations of strawberries, in the commune of San Pedro |
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017; Pucon; Chile |
978-153863123-2 | 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229715 |
Año 2016
Profesor | Autor / Autores | Titulo del Artículo | Nombre Revista | ISBN | DOI |
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Vera, C.A., Olivares, C.L. | A comparative analysis of microstrip patch antenna for MICS and ISM frequency antennas applied to WBAN |
IEEE CHILECON 2015- Proceedings | 978-146738756-9 | 10.1109/Chilecon.2015.7400389 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P. y Lisser A. | A Computational Study for Bilevel Quadratic Programs using Semidefinite Relaxations |
European Journal of Operational Research |
0377-2217 | 10.1016/j.ejor.2016.01.020 |
Claudio Valencia | Fernández, M., Valencia, C. Kaschel, H. | A distributed brillouin optical sensor simulation for measuring stress and temperature |
016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica, ICA-ACCA 2016; Curico; Chile |
978-150901147-6 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778491 |
Héctor Kaschel | Fernández, M., Valencia, C. Kaschel, H. | A distributed brillouin optical sensor simulation for measuring stress and temperature |
016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica, ICA-ACCA 2016; Curico; Chile |
978-150901147-6 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778491 |
Ismael Soto | Krommenacker, N., Vásquez, Ó.C., Alfaro, M.D., Soto, I. |
A self-adaptive cell-ID positioning system based on visible light communications in underground mines |
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica, ICA-ACCA 2016; Curico; Chile |
978-150901147-6 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778427 |
Héctor Chávez | Chávez, H., Hezamsadeh, F y Carlsson, F | A Simplified Model for Predicting Primary Control Inadequacy for Nonresponsive Wind Power | IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy |
1949-3029 | 10.1109/TSTE.2015.2491782 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme P., Andrade R., Leung J. and Lisser A. |
A Two-stage Stochastic Programming Approach for the Traveling Salesman Problem. | ICORES 2016: Proceedings of 5th the International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems |
978-989758171-7 | No tiene |
Matías Díaz | Mora, A., Cardenas, R., Espinoza, M., Díaz, M. | Active power oscillation elimination in 4-leg grid-connected converters under unbalanced network conditions |
42nd Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016; Palazzo dei CongressiFlorence; Italy |
978-150903474-1 | 10.1109/IECON.2016.7792960 |
Ismael Soto | Diaz, A., Dehghan Firoozabadi, A., Soto, i., Rojo, P. |
Adaptive filter based on NARX model for atmospheric noise removal on exo-planet observations |
IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2015; Universidad Central de ChileSantiago; Chile |
978-146738756-9 | 10.1109/Chilecon.2015.7400345 |
Ismael Soto | Sandoval, D., Soto, I., Adasme, P. |
Control of direct current motor using Ant Colony optimization |
IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2015; Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago; Chile |
978-146738756-9 | 10.1109/Chilecon.2015.7400356 |
Pablo Adasme | Sandoval, D., Soto, I., Adasme, P. |
Control of direct current motor using Ant Colony optimization |
IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2015; Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago; Chile |
978-146738756-9 | 10.1109/Chilecon.2015.7400356 |
Pablo Adasme | Sandoval, D., Soto, I., Adasme, P. |
Control of direct current motor using Ant Colony optimization |
IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2015; Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago; Chile |
978-146738756-9 | 10.1109/Chilecon.2015.7400356 |
Claudio Urrea | Lara, A., Urrea, C., Barbosa, K.A. |
Controller design of industrial cooperative robots |
IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2015; Universidad Central de Chile; Santiago; Chile |
978-146738756-9 | 10.1109/Chilecon.2015.7400355 |
Karina Acosta | Lara, A., Urrea, C., Barbosa, K.A. |
Controller design of industrial cooperative robots |
IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2015; Universidad Central de Chile; Santiago; Chile |
978-146738756-9 | 10.1109/Chilecon.2015.7400355 |
Héctor Chávez | Sanhueza, S., Chavez, H. | CPS1-complaint economic dispatch for a single balancing authority system including ramp rate |
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America, ISGT LATAM 2015; Montevideo; Uruguay |
978-150901147-6 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778481 |
Héctor Chávez | Carrasco, S., Chávez, H. | CPS1-compliant Economic Dispatch for a single balancing authority system |
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America, ISGT LATAM 2015; Montevideo; Uruguay |
978-146736605-2 | 10.1109/ISGT-LA.2015.7381185 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Morales, C. y Muñoz, R. |
Design and Implementation of an Error Detection and Correction Method Compatible with MODBUS-RTU by Means of Systematic Codes |
Measurement | 0263-2241 | 10.1016/j.measurement.2016.05.055 |
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Ahumada, C. | Design of a tri-band antenna microstrip for a WBAN the low SAR |
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica, ICA-ACCA 2016 |
978-150901147-6 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778421 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C. y Kern, J. | Design, Simulation and Comparison of Controllers for a Redundant Robot |
Case Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing |
2351-9886 | 10.1016/j.csmssp.2015.12.001 |
John Kern | Urrea, C. y Kern, J. | Design, Simulation and Comparison of Controllers for a Redundant Robot |
Case Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing |
1665-6423 | 2351-9886 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., y Kern, J. | Development of an Electronic Controller Applied to a Robotized Manipulator |
Computers & Electrical Engineering |
0045-7906 | 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2016.01.020 |
John Kern | Urrea, C., y Kern, J. | Development of an Electronic Controller Applied to a Robotized Manipulator |
Computers & Electrical Engineering |
0045-7906 | 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2016.01.020 |
Claudio Urrea | Kern, J., Urrea, C., Méndez, R. y González, G. |
Development of an Embedded Control System by Means of dsPIC Applied in a 4 DOF Robot |
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 1548-0992 | 10.1109/TLA.2016.7530401 |
John Kern | Kern, J., Urrea, C., Méndez, R. y González, G. |
Development of an Embedded Control System by Means of dsPIC Applied in a 4 DOF Robot |
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 1548-0992 | 10.1109/TLA.2016.7530401 |
Humberto Verdejo | Guerrero, D., Barbosa, K.A., Verdejo, H. |
D-stability control design for algebraic differential systems with application in power systems. |
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica. |
978-1-5090-1148-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778485 |
Karina Acosta | Guerrero, D., Barbosa, K.A., Verdejo, H. |
D-stability control design for algebraic differential systems with application in power systems. |
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica. |
978-1-5090-1148-3 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778485 |
Marcela Jamett | Bongain, S. y Jamett, M. | Electrohydraulic active suspension neural-based control system |
016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica, ICA-ACCA 2016; Curico; Chile |
978-150901147-6 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778489 |
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Ortega, J. | Energy efficiency in routing protocols applied to WSN |
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica, ICA-ACCA 2016 |
978-150901147-6 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778420 |
Fabián Seguel | Seguel, F., Soto, I., Iturralde, D., Adasme, P., Nunez, B. |
Enhancement of the QoS in an OFDMA/VLC system |
10th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2016; Prague; Czech Republic |
978-150902526-8 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2016.7573906 |
Ismael Soto | Seguel, F., Soto, I., Iturralde, D., Adasme, P., Nunez, B. |
Enhancement of the QoS in an OFDMA/VLC system |
10th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2016; Prague; Czech Republic |
978-150902526-8 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2016.7573906 |
Pablo Adasme | Seguel, F., Soto, I., Iturralde, D., Adasme, P., Nunez, B. |
Enhancement of the QoS in an OFDMA/VLC system |
10th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2016; Prague; Czech Republic |
978-150902526-8 | 10.1109/CSNDSP.2016.7573906 |
Ismael Soto | Azurdia-Meza, C.A., Estevez, C., Dehghan Firoozabadi, A., Soto, I. |
Evaluation of the sinc parametric linear combination pulse in digital communication systems |
8th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications, LATINCOM 2016; Medellin; Colombia |
978-150905137-3 | 10.1109/LATINCOM.2016.7811569 |
Cristhian Becker | Verdejo, H., Becker, C., Echiburú, D., Escudero, W. y Fucks, E. |
Impact of Daylight Saving Time on the Chilean Residential consumption |
Energy Policy | 0301-4215 | 10.1016/j.enpol.2015.10.051 |
Humberto Verdejo | Verdejo, H., Becker, C., Echiburú, D., Escudero, W. y Fucks, E. |
Impact of Daylight Saving Time on the Chilean Residential consumption |
Energy Policy | 0301-4215 | 10.1016/j.enpol.2015.10.051 |
Cristhian Becker | Verdejo, H., Escudero, W., Kliemann, W., Awerkin, A., Becker, C. y Vargas L. |
Impact of wind power generation on a large scale power system using stochastic linear stability |
Applied Mathematical Modelling | 0307-904X | 10.1016/j.apm.2016.04.020 |
Humberto Verdejo | Verdejo, H., Escudero, W., Kliemann, W., Awerkin, A., Becker, C. y Vargas L. |
Impact of wind power generation on a large scale power system using stochastic linear stability |
Applied Mathematical Modelling | 0307-904X | 10.1016/j.apm.2016.04.020 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Morales, C. y Kern, J. |
Implementation of error detection and correction in the MODBUS-RTU serial protocol |
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection |
1874-5482 | 10.1016/j.ijcip.2016.07.001 |
John Kern | Urrea, C., Morales, C. y Kern, J. |
Implementation of error detection and correction in the MODBUS-RTU serial protocol |
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection |
1874-5482 | 10.1016/j.ijcip.2016.07.001 |
Enrique Espina | Espinoza, M., Espina, E., Díaz, M., Mora, A., Cardenas, R. |
Improved control strategy of the modular multilevel converter for high power drive applications in low frequency operation |
18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2016 ECCE Europe; Karlsruhe; Germany |
978-907581524-5 | 10.1109/EPE.2016.7695557 |
Matías Díaz | Espinoza, M., Espina, E., Díaz, M., Mora, A., Cardenas, R. |
Improved control strategy of the modular multilevel converter for high power drive applications in low frequency operation |
18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2016 ECCE Europe; Karlsruhe; Germany |
978-907581524-5 | 10.1109/EPE.2016.7695557 |
Ismael Soto | Fuertes, G., Soto, I., Carrasco, R., Vargas, M., Sabattin, J., Lagos, C., |
Intelligent Packaging Systems: Sensors and Nanosensors to Monitor Food Quality and Safety |
Journal of Sensors | 1687-725X | 10.1155/2016/4046061 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C. y Muñoz, R. | Joints Position Estimation of a Redundant SCARA Robot by Means of the Unscented Kalman Filter and Inertial Sensors |
Asian Journal of Control | 1934-6093 | 10.1002/asjc.1111 |
Ismael Soto | Rodriguez, H., Perez, J.A., Soto, I., Azurdia, C., Lagos, C., Derpich, I. |
McEliece’s public key cryptosystem based on non-binary algebraic codes |
6th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control, ICCCC 2016; Hotel PresidentBaile Felix-Oradea; Romania |
978-150901735-5 | 10.1109/ICCCC.2016.7496747 |
Karina Acosta | Aedo, O., Barbosa, K. A. & Alvarez, A. |
Mixed controller design for an UAV flight control system |
IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2015; Universidad Central de Chile; Santiago; Chile |
978-146738756-9 | 10.1109/Chilecon.2015.7400365 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C. y Muñoz, J. | Mobile Robot Based on the selection of fuzzy behaviors for following trajectories in crops |
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems |
1729-8806 | 10.5772/63966 |
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Cordero, S., Costoya, E. |
Modeling and simulation of point to area prediction on digital TV, extensible to other technologies and its validation with actual field records |
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica, ICA-ACCA 2016 |
978-150901147-6 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778425 |
Matías Díaz | Espinoza, M., Cárdenas, R., Díaz, M., Mora, A., Soto, D. |
Modelling and control of the modular multilevel converter in back to back configuration for high power induction machine drives |
42nd Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016; Palazzo dei CongressiFlorence; Italy |
978-150903474-1 | 10.1109/IECON.2016.7793979 |
Matías Díaz | Díaz, M., Cardenas, R., Espinoza, M., Mora, A., Wheeler, P. |
Modelling and control of the modular multilevel matrix converter and its application to wind energy conversion systems |
42nd Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016; Palazzo dei CongressiFlorence; Italy |
978-150903474-1 | 10.1109/IECON.2016.7793945 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme P., Andrade P., Leung J. and Lisser A. |
Models for minimum cost dominating trees |
Elsevier Journal: Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics |
1571-0653 | 10.1016/j.endm.2016.03.014 |
Ismael Soto | Fuertes, G., Soto, I., Vargas, M., Valencia, A., Sabattin, J., Carrasco, R. |
Nanosensors for a monitoring system in intelligent and active packaging |
Journal of Sensors | 1687-725X | 10.1155/2016/7980476 |
Ismael Soto | Guevara, D., Dehghan Firoozabadi, A., Soto, I., Huenupan, F. |
Noise reduction of seismic signal for Llaima volcano |
IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2015; Universidad Central de ChileSantiago; Chile |
978-146738756-9 | 10.1109/Chilecon.2015.7404651 |
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel H., Lanyón C., Ahumada C. |
Numerical Finite Difference Method of Electric Field Generated to determine the SAR Generated in a Microstrip Antenna Type Applied to a WBAN |
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 1548-0992 | 10.1109/TLA.2016.7555276 |
Fabián Seguel | Seguel, F., Soto, I., Adasme, P.,Nuñez, B. | Optical wireless communications for ubiquitous computing |
17th IFIP WG 8.1 International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations, ICISO 2016; Campinas; Brazil |
1868-4238 | 10.1007/978-3-319-42102-5 |
Ismael Soto | Seguel, F., Soto, I., Adasme, P.,Nuñez, B. | Optical wireless communications for ubiquitous computing |
17th IFIP WG 8.1 International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations, ICISO 2016; Campinas; Brazil |
1868-4238 | 10.1007/978-3-319-42102-5 |
Pablo Adasme | Seguel, F., Soto, I., Adasme, P.,Nuñez, B. | Optical wireless communications for ubiquitous computing |
17th IFIP WG 8.1 International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations, ICISO 2016; Campinas; Brazil |
ISSN: 18684238 | 10.1007/978-3-319-42102-5 |
ISBN: 978-331942101-8 |
Fabián Seguel | Seguel, F., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Nuñez, B. |
Optimal resource allocation for non-real time visible light communication networks |
13th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems, MobiWIS 2016; Vienna; Austria |
0302-9743 | 10.1007/978-3-319-44215-0_16 |
Ismael Soto | Seguel, F., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Nuñez, B. |
Optimal resource allocation for non-real time visible light communication networks |
13th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems, MobiWIS 2016; Vienna; Austria |
0302-9743 | 10.1007/978-3-319-44215-0_16 |
Pablo Adasme | Seguel, F., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Nuñez, B. |
Optimal resource allocation for non-real time visible light communication networks |
13th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems, MobiWIS 2016; Vienna; Austria |
ISSN: 03029743 | 10.1007/978-3-319-44215-0_16 |
ISBN: 978-331944214-3 |
Fabián Seguel | Montes-Atenas, G., Seguel, F., Valencia, A., Bhatti, S.M., Khan, M.S., Soto, I., Becerra Yoma, N. |
Predicting bubble size and bubble rate data in water and in froth flotation-like slurry from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) by applying deep neural networks (DNN) |
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer |
0735-1933 | 10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2016.05.031 |
Ismael Soto | Montes-Atenas, G., Seguel, F., Valencia, A., Bhatti, S.M., Khan, M.S., Soto, I., Becerra Yoma, N. |
Predicting bubble size and bubble rate data in water and in froth flotation-like slurry from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) by applying deep neural networks (DNN) |
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer |
0735-1933 | 10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2016.05.031 |
Fabián Seguel | Aguirre, D., Firoozabadi, A.D., Seguel, F., Soto, I. |
Proposed energy based method for light receiver localization in underground mining |
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica, ICA-ACCA 2016; Curico; Chile |
978-150901147-6 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778460 |
Ismael Soto | Aguirre, D., Firoozabadi, A.D., Seguel, F., Soto, I. |
Proposed energy based method for light receiver localization in underground mining |
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica, ICA-ACCA 2016; Curico; Chile |
978-150901147-6 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778460 |
Héctor Chávez | Castro, M., and Chavez, H. | Representation of load dynamics in the dispatch of primary reserves |
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica, ICA-ACCA 2016; Curico; Chile |
978-150901147-6 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778483 |
Matías Díaz | R. Cardenas, M. Diaz, F. Rojas, J. Clare and P. Wheeler |
Resonant Control System for Low-Voltage Ride-Through in Wind Energy Conversion Systems |
IET Power Electronics | 1755-4535 | 10.1049/iet-pel.2015.0488 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme P., Leung J., Lisser A. | Resource allocation in uplink wireless multi-cell OFDMA networks |
Computer Standards & Interfaces |
0920-5489 | 10.1016/j.csi.2015.08.003 |
Héctor Chávez | Avila, T., Chavez, H. | Secondary reserves determination based on CPS1 and CPS2 compliant AGC operation |
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica, ICA-ACCA 2016; Curico; Chile |
978-150901147-6 | 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778479 |
Héctor Chávez | E. Gutierrez and H. Chavez. | Simplied model of frequency power system dynamic for studying the impact of variable power into primary frequency response |
IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2015; Universidad Central de Chile; Santiago; Chile |
978-146738756-9 | 10.1109/Chilecon.2015.7400443 |
Humberto Verdejo | Verdejo, H., W., Awerkin, A., Saavedra, E., Kliemann, W. y Vargas, L. |
Stochastic modeling to represent wind power generation and demand in electric power system based on real data |
Applied Energy | 0306-2619 | 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.04.004 |
Matías Díaz | Díaz, M., Espinoza, M., Mora, A., Cardenas, R., Wheeler, P. |
The application of the modular multilevel matrix converter in high-power wind turbines |
18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2016 ECCE Europe; Karlsruhe; Germany |
978-907581524-5 | 10.1109/EPE.2016.7695437 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C. y Kern, J. | Trajectory Tracking Control of a Real Redundant Manipulator of the SCARA Type |
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology |
1975-0102 | 10.5370/JEET.2016.11.1.215 |
John Kern | Urrea, C. y Kern, J. | Trajectory Tracking Control of a Real Redundant Manipulator of the SCARA Type |
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology |
1975-0102 | 10.5370/JEET.2016.11.1.215 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme P, Lisser A. | Uplink scheduling for joint wireless orthogonal frequency and time division multiple access networks |
Journal of Scheduling | 1094-6136 | 10.1007/s10951-015-0442-0 |
Marcela Jamett | San Juan E., Jamett M., Kaschel H., Sánchez L. |
Wavelets, linear prediction and backpropagation networks for speech recognition system |
Ingeniare Revista Chilena de Ingeniería |
0718-3291 | No tiene |
Enrique San Juan | San Juan E., Jamett M., Kaschel H., Sánchez L. |
Wavelets, linear prediction and backpropagation networks for speech recognition system. |
Ingeniare Revista Chilena de Ingeniería |
0718-3291 | No tiene |
Héctor Kaschel | San Juan E., Jamett M., Kaschel H., Sánchez L. |
Wavelets, linear prediction and backpropagation networks for speech recognition system. |
Ingeniare Revista Chilena de Ingeniería |
0718-3291 | No tiene |
Año 2015
Autor_autores | Titulo_ del_articulo | |
Urrea, C. y Coltters, J. | Design and Implementation of a Graphic 3D Simulator for the Study of Control Techniques Applied to Cooperative Robots | International Journal of Control Automation and Systems (WOS) |
Urrea, C., Henríquez, G. y Jamett, M. | Development of an expert system to select materials for the main structure of a transfer crane designed for disabled people | Expert Systems with Applications (WOS) |
Urrea, C. y Muñoz, J. | Path Tracking of Mobile Robot in Crops | Journal Of Intelligent & Robotic Systems (WOS) |
Valencia Cordero, Claudio; Lisser, Abdel | Jamming Attacks Reliable Prevention in a Clustered Wireless Sensor Network | Wireless Personal Communications (WOS) |
Becker, C., Ojeda, O. y Verdejo, H. | Labeling and Efficiency of Induction Motors, IEC on Chilean Case | IEEE Latin America Transactions (WOS) |
Verdejo, H., Kliemann, W., Vargas, L. y Becker, C. | Stability region and radius in electric power systems under sustained random perturbations | International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (WOS) |
Verdejo, H., González, D., Delpiano, J. y Becker, C. | Tuning of Power System Stabilizers using Multiobjective Optimization NSGA II | IEEE Latin America Transactions (WOS) |
Cárdenas, R., Espina, E., Clare, J., Wheeler, P. | Self-tuning resonant control of a seven-leg back-to-back converter for interfacing variable-speed generators to four-wire loads | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (WOS) |
Espina, E., Cárdenas, R., Clare, J., Wheeler, P. | Resonant control system for a 7-leg back-to-back converter for interfacing variable speed generators to 4-wire loads | IEEE 24th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2015. (SCOPUS) |
Seguel, F., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Maldonado, M. y, Becerra, N. | Optimizing flotation bank performance through froth depth profiling: Revisited | Minerals Engineering (WOS) |
Seguel, F., Carrasco, R., Adasme, P., Alfaro, M., Soto, I. | A Meta-Heuristic approach for copper price forecasting | 16th IFIP WG 8.1 International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (SCOPUS) |
R. Cardenas, M. Diaz, F. Rojas, and J. Clare | Fast Convergence Delayed Signal Cancellation Method for Sequence Component Separation | IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (WOS) |
Díaz, M., Cárdenas, R., Mauricio Espinoza, B., Mora, A., Rojas, F. | A novel LVRT control strategy for modular multilevel matrix converter based high-power wind energy conversion systems | 10th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, EVER 2015; Grimaldi ForumMonte-Carlo; Monaco (SCOPUS) |
Chávez, H., Lee, D. y Baldick, R. | CPS1-Compliant Regulation Using a PSD Analysis of Wind Expansion in a Single Balancing Authority | IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (WOS) |
Chávez, H., Baldick, R. y Matevosyan, J. | The Joint Adequacy of AGC and Primary Frequency Response in Single Balancing Authority Systems | IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (WOS) |
Chavez, H. | An Ex-post Energy Rate Mechanism for Distribution Networks based on Real Time Metering | IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America, ISGT LATAM 2015; Montevideo; Uruguay (SCOPUS) |
Farrokhseresht, N., Chavez, H., Hesamzadeh, M.R. | Economic impact of wind integration on Primary Frequency Response | IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, PowerTech 2015; Eindhoven; Netherlands (SCOPUS) |
Hmamed, A., El Aiss, H., & Hajjaji, A. E. | Stability analysis of linear systems with time varying delay: An input output approach. | 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2015; Osaka International Convention Center (Grand Cube)5-3-51 Nakanoshima, Kita-KuOsaka; Japan (SCOPUS) |
Verdejo, H., Kliemann, W. y Vargas, L. | Application of linear stability via Lyapunov exponents in high dimensional electrical power systems | International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (WOS) |
Aranguiz, E., Barbosa, K. y Verdejo, H. | D-stability Analysis of Descriptor Systems and Application to Power Systems | IEEE Latin America Transactions (WOS) |
Becker, C., Ojeda, O. y Verdejo, H. | Labeling and Efficiency of Induction Motors, IEC on Chilean Case | IEEE Latin America Transactions (WOS) |
Verdejo, H., Kliemann, W., Vargas, L. y Becker, C. | Stability region and radius in electric power systems under sustained random perturbations | International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (WOS) |
Verdejo, H., González, D., Delpiano, J. y Becker, C. | Tuning of Power System Stabilizers using Multiobjective Optimization NSGA II | IEEE Latin America Transactions (WOS) |
Carrasco, R., Vargas, M., Alfaro, M., Soto, I. y Fuertes, G. | Copper Metal Price Using Chaotic Time Series Forecasting | IEEE Latin America Transactions (WOS) |
Seguel, F., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Maldonado, M. y, Becerra, N. | Optimizing flotation bank performance through froth depth profiling: Revisited | Minerals Engineering (WOS) |
Azurdia-Meza, C., Arraño, H., Estevez, C., Soto, I. | Performance Enhancement of OFDM-Based Systems Using Improved Parametric Linear Combination Pulses | Wireless Personal Communications (WOS) |
Fuertes, G., Vargas, M., Soto, I., Witker, K., Peralta, M. y Sabattin, J. | Project-Based Learning versus Cooperative Learning courses in Engineering Students | IEEE Latin America Transactions (WOS) |
Soto, I., Jirón, I., Valencia, A. y Carrasco, R. | Secure DNA data compression using algebraic curves | Electronics Letters (WOS) |
Seguel, F., Carrasco, R., Adasme, P., Alfaro, M., Soto, I. | A Meta-Heuristic approach for copper price forecasting | 16th IFIP WG 8.1 International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (SCOPUS) |
Aranguiz, E., Barbosa, K. y Verdejo, H. | D-stability Analysis of Descriptor Systems and Application to Power Systems | IEEE Latin America Transactions (WOS) |
Urrea, C., Henríquez, G. y Jamett, M. | Development of an expert system to select materials for the main structure of a transfer crane designed for disabled people | Expert Systems with Applications (WOS) |
R. Cardenas, M. Diaz, F. Rojas, and J. Clare | Fast Convergence Delayed Signal Cancellation Method for Sequence Component Separation | IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (WOS) |
Díaz, M., Cárdenas, R., Mauricio Espinoza, B., Mora, A., Rojas, F. | A novel LVRT control strategy for modular multilevel matrix converter based high-power wind energy conversion systems | 10th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, EVER 2015; Grimaldi ForumMonte-Carlo; Monaco (SCOPUS) |
Mauricio Espinoza, B., Mora, A., Díaz, M., Cárdenas, R. | Balancing energy and low frequency operation of the modular multilevel converter in back to back configuration | 10th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, EVER 2015; Grimaldi ForumMonte-Carlo; Monaco (SCOPUS) |
Díaz, M. | Design and implementation of the first Duoc-UC’s solar energy powered car | 10th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, EVER 2015; Grimaldi ForumMonte-Carlo; Monaco (SCOPUS) |
Mora, A., Espinoza, M., Díaz, M., Cardenas, R. | Model Predictive Control of Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter | 24th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2015; Hotel Atlantico BuziosBuzios, Rio de Janeiro; Brazil (SCOPUS) |
Adasme, P., Andrade, R., Letournel, M. y Lisser, A. | Stochastic maximum weight forest problem | Networks (WOS) |
Adasme P., Andrade R., Leung J. and Lisser A. | A comparative study of network-based approaches for routing in healthcare wireless body area networks | ICORES 2015 – 4th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise systems (SCOPUS) |
Seguel, F., Carrasco, R., Adasme, P., Alfaro, M., Soto, I. | A Meta-Heuristic approach for copper price forecasting | 16th IFIP WG 8.1 International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (SCOPUS) |
Adasme P. and Lisser A. | Piecewise Linear Formulations for Downlink Wireless OFDMA Networks. | MobiWis 2015: The 12th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems 24-26 August 2015 (SCOPUS) |
Jena, Debashisha, Saravanakumar R. | A review of estimation of effective wind speed based on control of wind turbines | Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (WOS) |
Saravanakumar R, Jena, Debashisha | Backstepping sliding mode control for a variable speed wind turbine for power optimization | Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (WOS) |
Saravanakumar R, Jena, Debashisha | Validation of an integral sliding mode control for optimal control of a three blade variable speed variable pitch wind turbine | International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (WOS) |
Saravanakumar, R., Debashisha, Jena. | Adaptive Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Variable Speed Wind Turbine | 28th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE 2015; Halifax; Canada (SCOPUS) |
Saravanakumar, R., Debashisha, Jena. | Backstepping Sliding Mode Control for variable speed wind turbine | 11th IEEE India Conference, INDICON 2014; MDC, YASHADAPune; India (SCOPUS) |
Año 2022
Profesor | Autor / Autores | Titulo del Artículo | Nombre Revista | ISBN | DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Viera, E., Kaschel, H., Valencia, C. |
Heart Rate Variability Control Using a Biofeedback and Wearable System | Sensors | 00000 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Páez, F., Kaschel, H. | Design and Testing of a Computer Security Layer for the LIN Bus | Sensors | 00000 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Toledo, K., Torres, J., Fernández-Getino, M. | Energy-Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Based on Stochastic Programming in Dynamic Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol.8, no.2 | 00000 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Ahumada, C. | Design of a microstrip antenna for Breast Cancer Detection | 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) | 00000 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Páez, F., Kaschel, H. | A Proposal for Data Authentication, Data Integrity and Replay Attack Rejection for the LIN Bus | 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) | 00000 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Rojas, R. | Security, energy efficiency, routing protocols and algorithms applied to underwater wireless sensor network | 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) | 00000 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Pascal, J. | Physiological Behavior of COVID-19 Patients Using Wearable System and Markov Chains | 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) | 0939-1533 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Vinicio, F., Cuenca, C., Soto, I. |
Design of an Optical Wireless Network using Free Space Optics Technology (FSO), in 5G/6G Networks Environment |
IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA) |
978-1-6654-2978-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Jara, D. | Design, Analysis, and Comparison of Control Strategies for an Industrial Robotic Arm Driven by a Multi-Level Inverter |
Symmetry-Basel | 2073-8994 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Pascal, J. | Dynamic Parameter Identification based on Lagrangian Formulation and Servomotor-type Actuators for Industrial Robots |
International Journal of Control Automation and Systems |
1598-6494 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | Viera, E., Kaschel, H., Valencia, C. |
ECG processing algorithm in the QRS complex |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Viera, E., Kaschel, H., Valencia, C. | ECG processing algorithm in the QRS complex |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Toledo, K., Gomez, JT., Garcia, MJF. | Energy-Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based on Stochastic Programming in Dynamic Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks |
IEEE Access | 2169-3536 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Retamales, N., Chavez, H. | Frequency-Responsive Appliances: The case of Chile |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Zolorza, JA, Palma, JM, Barbosa, KA | H∞ Gain-Scheduled Algorithm Design for Multi Coupled Tank |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Díaz, A. | High Security Ubiquitous H-IoT Monitoring System based on a WBAN |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Díaz, A. | High Security Ubiquitous H-IoT on a WBAN based EHR using Blockchain |
2021 IEEE IFAC International Conference on Automation, XXIV Congreso de la Asociación Chilena de Control Automático |
978-1-6654-2978-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Fernández, A., Díaz, M., Rojas, F., Reyes-Chamorro, L., Chavez, H. |
Impact of the Electrical Energy-Tariff and Vehicle-to-Grid in the Total Cost of Ownership of Electromobility Projects |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Fernández, A., Díaz, M., Rojas, F., Reyes-Chamorro, L., Chavez, H. |
Impact of the Electrical Energy-Tariff and Vehicle-to-Grid in the Total Cost of Ownership of Electromobility Projects |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Hicham, EA., Barbosa, KA., Rodriguez, C. |
Input-Output Admissibility Analysis of Continuous Descriptor System With Time-Varying Delay |
IEEE Control Systems Letters | 2475-1456 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Agramonte, R. | Kalman Filter: Historical Overview and Review of Its Use in Robotics 60 Years after Its Creation |
Journal of Sensors | 1687-725X | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Alavia, W., Lovera, JA., Graver, TA., Azúa, D., Soto, I. | Modeling of the density, viscosity and electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions saturated in boric acid in presence of lithium sulfate or sodium sulfate at 293.15 to 313.15 K |
Fluid Phase Equilibria | 0378-3812 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Alavia, W., Soto, I., Lovera, JA. | Modeling of the Refractive Index for the Systems MX+H2O, M2X+H2O, H3BO3+MX+H2O, and H3BO3+M2X+H2O. M = K+, Na+, or Li+ and X = Cl- or SO42- |
Processes | 2227-9717 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Verdugo, D., Rojas, F., Pereda, J., Diaz, M., Gatica, G. | Modelling and control of a multi-cell converter based on Input-Parallel Output-Parallel bridge-cells with discontinuous interleaved modulation |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Loyola, O., Kern, J., Urrea, C. | Novel algorithm for agent navigation based on intrinsic motivation due to boredom |
Information Technology and Control |
1392-124X | |||||||
John Kern | Loyola, O., Kern, J., Urrea, C. | Novel algorithm for agent navigation based on intrinsic motivation due to boredom |
Information Technology and Control |
1392-124X | |||||||
Héctor Chávez | Mellado Díaz, C., Barbosa, K., El Aiss, H., Rodriguez, C., Chavez, H. |
Observer Design Method for Discrete-Time LPV Descriptor Systems |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Mellado Díaz, C., Barbosa, K., El Aiss, H., Rodriguez, C., Chavez, H. |
Observer Design Method for Discrete-Time LPV Descriptor Systems |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | Lopez-Vilos, N., Valencia, C., Azurdia-Meza, C., Montejo-Sanchez, S., Mafra, SB. |
Performance analysis of the ieee 802.15.4 protocol for smart environments under jamming attacks |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Salazar, E., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Zabala-Blanco, D., Bolufe, S., Soto, I. |
Semi-Supervised Extreme Learning Machine Channel Estimator and Equalizer for Vehicle to Vehicle Communications |
Electronics | 2079-9292 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | N. Ruminot, C. Valencia, Abarzua-Ortiz, R. | Side Channel Attack Countermeasure for Low Power Devices with AES Encryption |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Pablo Adasme | Firoozabadi, A.D., Irarrazaval, P., Adasme, P., Durney, H., Olave, M.S., Zabala-Blanco, D., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
Simultaneous Sound Source Localization by Proposed Cuboids Nested Microphone Array Based on Subband Generalized Eigenvalue Decomposition |
6th International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics, AISI 2020 |
2194-5357 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Benitez, D. | Software-Defined Networking Solutions, Architecture and Controllers for the Industrial Internet of Things: A Review |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Gutierrez, F., Riquelme, E., Barbosa, K.A., Chavez, H. | State Estimation for Synthetic Inertia Control System Using Kalman Filter |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Gutierrez, F., Riquelme, E., Barbosa, K.A., Chavez, H. | State Estimation for Synthetic Inertia Control System Using Kalman Filter |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | Abarzúa, R., Valencia, C. | Survey on Performance and Security Problems of Countermeasures for Passive Side-channel Attacks on ECC |
Journal of Cryptographic Engineering |
2190-8508 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | El Aiss, H., Barbosa, KA., Chavez, H., Rodriguez, C. | Takagi–Sugeno State Delayed Feedback and Integral Control for PV Systems: Modeling, Simulation, and Control |
International Journal of Photoenergy |
1110-662X | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | El Aiss, H., Barbosa, KA., Chavez, H., Rodriguez, C. | Takagi–Sugeno State Delayed Feedback and Integral Control for PV Systems: Modeling, Simulation, and Control |
International Journal of Photoenergy |
1110-662X | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Páez, F., Kaschel, H. | Towards a Robust Computer Security Layer for the LIN Bus |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI |
Año 2021
Profesor | Autor / Autores | Titulo del Artículo | Nombre Revista | ISBN | DOI | ||||||
Pablo Adasme | Firoozabadi, A.D., Irarrazaval, P., Adasme, P., Durney, H., Olave, M.S., Zabala-Blanco, D., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
A Multi-channel Speech Enhancement Method Based on Subband Affine Projection Algorithm in Combination with Proposed Circular Nested Microphone Array | 6th International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics, AISI 2020 |
2194-5357 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Pizarro, P., Diaz, M., Rojas, F., Espinoza, M., Tarisciotti, L., Gomis-Bellmunt, O. |
A Decoupled Control Strategy for a Shunt-Series Modular Multilevel Converter in Wind Energy Conversion System Applications |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Enrique Espina | Rodriguez, C., Malhue, M., Diaz, M., Espina, E., Rojas, F. |
A Droop Based Control Strategy for Bidirectional Power Regulation in Hybrid ACmC Microgrids |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Rodriguez, C., Malhue, M., Diaz, M., Espina, E., Rojas, F. |
A Droop Based Control Strategy for Bidirectional Power Regulation in Hybrid ACmC Microgrids |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Quiroz J., Perez R., Chavez H., Matevosyan J., Segundo Sevilla F.R. |
A Hardware Implementation of an Online Frequency Dynamic Parameter Estimation |
2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, PowerTech 2021, Madrid |
978-166543597-0 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Pizarro, P., Ibaceta, E., Diaz, M., Rojas, F., Espinoza, M. |
A LVRT Control Strategy for a Shunt-Series Modular Multilevel Converter in Wind Energy Conversion System Applications |
2021 Sixteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER) |
978-1-6654-4903-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Quiroz, J., Soto, I., Toledo-Mercado, E., Chávez, H., Zamorano-Illanes, R., Pereira-Mendoza, J. |
A non-linear regression model for inertia identification using synchrophasors and Big Data |
IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA) |
978-1-6654-2978-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Quiroz, J., Soto, I., Toledo-Mercado, E., Chávez, H., Zamorano-Illanes, R., Pereira-Mendoza, J. |
A non-linear regression model for inertia identification using synchrophasors and Big Data |
IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA) |
978-1-6654-2978-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Ibaceta, E., Diaz, M., Uriarte, M., Rojas, F., Letelier, A., Cardenas, R. |
A Power Loss Ride Through Control Strategy for Variable Speed Drives based on the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Toledo-Mercado, E., Soto, I., Rojo, P., Pereira-Mendoza, J., Quiroz, J., Zamorano-Illanes, R. |
Adaptive Digital Filter using NARX Deep Neural Networks for ground-based observatories |
IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA) |
978-1-6654-2978-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Barrueto, A., Diaz, M., Chavez, H. |
An Overview of Challenges related to Power-Electronics Based Power Systems |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Barrueto, A., Diaz, M., Chavez, H. | An Overview of Challenges related to Power-Electronics Based Power Systems |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | C. Corral, C. Valencia | BER and SNR based physical layer security analysis with cooperative Jamming |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Páez, F. | Design and Comparison of Strategies for Level Control in a Nonlinear Tank |
Processes | 2227-9717 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Kern, J., Lopez-Escobar, R. |
Design and Implementation of a Fault-Tolerant System for Industrial Robots Under Hostile Operating Conditions |
Computers & Electrical Engineering |
0045-7906 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
John Kern | Urrea, C., Kern, J., Lopez-Escobar, R. |
Design and Implementation of a Fault-Tolerant System for Industrial Robots Under Hostile Operating Conditions |
Computers & Electrical Engineering |
0045-7906 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., y Kern, J. | Design and implementation of a wireless control system applied to a 3-DoF redundant robot using Raspberry Pi interface and user datagram protocol |
Computers & Electrical Engineering |
0045-7906 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
John Kern | Urrea, C., y Kern, J. | Design and implementation of a wireless control system applied to a 3-DoF redundant robot using Raspberry Pi interface and user datagram protocol |
Computers & Electrical Engineering |
0045-7906 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Navarro, G., Rojas, F., Pereda, J., Diaz, M., Gatica, G. |
Design and implementation of dual active bridge converter with single phase shift modulation for electric vehicle charging system |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Garrido, F., Kern, J. | Design and Implementation of Intelligent Agent Training Systems for Virtual Vehicles |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
John Kern | Urrea, C., Garrido, F., Kern, J. | Design and Implementation of Intelligent Agent Training Systems for Virtual Vehicles |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Pascal, J. | Design and validation of a dynamic parameter identification model for industrial manipulator robots |
Archive of Applied Mechanics | 0939-1533 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Vinicio, F., Cuenca, C., Soto, I. |
Design of an Optical Wireless Network using Free Space Optics Technology (FSO), in 5G/6G Networks Environment |
IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA) |
978-1-6654-2978-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Jara, D. | Design, Analysis, and Comparison of Control Strategies for an Industrial Robotic Arm Driven by a Multi-Level Inverter |
Symmetry-Basel | 2073-8994 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Pascal, J. | Dynamic Parameter Identification based on Lagrangian Formulation and Servomotor-type Actuators for Industrial Robots |
International Journal of Control Automation and Systems |
1598-6494 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | Viera, E., Kaschel, H., Valencia, C. |
ECG processing algorithm in the QRS complex |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Viera, E., Kaschel, H., Valencia, C. | ECG processing algorithm in the QRS complex |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Toledo, K., Gomez, JT., Garcia, MJF. | Energy-Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based on Stochastic Programming in Dynamic Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks |
IEEE Access | 2169-3536 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Retamales, N., Chavez, H. | Frequency-Responsive Appliances: The case of Chile |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Zolorza, JA, Palma, JM, Barbosa, KA | H∞ Gain-Scheduled Algorithm Design for Multi Coupled Tank |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Díaz, A. | High Security Ubiquitous H-IoT Monitoring System based on a WBAN |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Kaschel, H., Díaz, A. | High Security Ubiquitous H-IoT on a WBAN based EHR using Blockchain |
2021 IEEE IFAC International Conference on Automation, XXIV Congreso de la Asociación Chilena de Control Automático |
978-1-6654-2978-8 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Fernández, A., Díaz, M., Rojas, F., Reyes-Chamorro, L., Chavez, H. |
Impact of the Electrical Energy-Tariff and Vehicle-to-Grid in the Total Cost of Ownership of Electromobility Projects |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Fernández, A., Díaz, M., Rojas, F., Reyes-Chamorro, L., Chavez, H. |
Impact of the Electrical Energy-Tariff and Vehicle-to-Grid in the Total Cost of Ownership of Electromobility Projects |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Hicham, EA., Barbosa, KA., Rodriguez, C. |
Input-Output Admissibility Analysis of Continuous Descriptor System With Time-Varying Delay |
IEEE Control Systems Letters | 2475-1456 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Agramonte, R. | Kalman Filter: Historical Overview and Review of Its Use in Robotics 60 Years after Its Creation |
Journal of Sensors | 1687-725X | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Alavia, W., Lovera, JA., Graver, TA., Azúa, D., Soto, I. | Modeling of the density, viscosity and electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions saturated in boric acid in presence of lithium sulfate or sodium sulfate at 293.15 to 313.15 K |
Fluid Phase Equilibria | 0378-3812 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Alavia, W., Soto, I., Lovera, JA. | Modeling of the Refractive Index for the Systems MX+H2O, M2X+H2O, H3BO3+MX+H2O, and H3BO3+M2X+H2O. M = K+, Na+, or Li+ and X = Cl- or SO42- |
Processes | 2227-9717 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Matías Díaz | Verdugo, D., Rojas, F., Pereda, J., Diaz, M., Gatica, G. | Modelling and control of a multi-cell converter based on Input-Parallel Output-Parallel bridge-cells with discontinuous interleaved modulation |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Loyola, O., Kern, J., Urrea, C. | Novel algorithm for agent navigation based on intrinsic motivation due to boredom |
Information Technology and Control |
1392-124X | |||||||
John Kern | Loyola, O., Kern, J., Urrea, C. | Novel algorithm for agent navigation based on intrinsic motivation due to boredom |
Information Technology and Control |
1392-124X | |||||||
Héctor Chávez | Mellado Díaz, C., Barbosa, K., El Aiss, H., Rodriguez, C., Chavez, H. |
Observer Design Method for Discrete-Time LPV Descriptor Systems |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Mellado Díaz, C., Barbosa, K., El Aiss, H., Rodriguez, C., Chavez, H. |
Observer Design Method for Discrete-Time LPV Descriptor Systems |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | Lopez-Vilos, N., Valencia, C., Azurdia-Meza, C., Montejo-Sanchez, S., Mafra, SB. |
Performance analysis of the ieee 802.15.4 protocol for smart environments under jamming attacks |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Ismael Soto | Salazar, E., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Zabala-Blanco, D., Bolufe, S., Soto, I. |
Semi-Supervised Extreme Learning Machine Channel Estimator and Equalizer for Vehicle to Vehicle Communications |
Electronics | 2079-9292 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | N. Ruminot, C. Valencia, Abarzua-Ortiz, R. | Side Channel Attack Countermeasure for Low Power Devices with AES Encryption |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Pablo Adasme | Firoozabadi, A.D., Irarrazaval, P., Adasme, P., Durney, H., Olave, M.S., Zabala-Blanco, D., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
Simultaneous Sound Source Localization by Proposed Cuboids Nested Microphone Array Based on Subband Generalized Eigenvalue Decomposition |
6th International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics, AISI 2020 |
2194-5357 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Benitez, D. | Software-Defined Networking Solutions, Architecture and Controllers for the Industrial Internet of Things: A Review |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | Gutierrez, F., Riquelme, E., Barbosa, K.A., Chavez, H. | State Estimation for Synthetic Inertia Control System Using Kalman Filter |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | Gutierrez, F., Riquelme, E., Barbosa, K.A., Chavez, H. | State Estimation for Synthetic Inertia Control System Using Kalman Filter |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Claudio Valencia | Abarzúa, R., Valencia, C. | Survey on Performance and Security Problems of Countermeasures for Passive Side-channel Attacks on ECC |
Journal of Cryptographic Engineering |
2190-8508 | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Chávez | El Aiss, H., Barbosa, KA., Chavez, H., Rodriguez, C. | Takagi–Sugeno State Delayed Feedback and Integral Control for PV Systems: Modeling, Simulation, and Control |
International Journal of Photoenergy |
1110-662X | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Karina Acosta | El Aiss, H., Barbosa, KA., Chavez, H., Rodriguez, C. | Takagi–Sugeno State Delayed Feedback and Integral Control for PV Systems: Modeling, Simulation, and Control |
International Journal of Photoenergy |
1110-662X | Ir al enlace DOI | ||||||
Héctor Kaschel | Páez, F., Kaschel, H. | Towards a Robust Computer Security Layer for the LIN Bus |
2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/24th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control, ICA-ACCA 2021 |
978-166540127-2 | Ir al enlace DOI |
Año 2020
Profesor | Autor / Autores | Titulo del Artículo |
Nombre Revista | ISBN | DOI |
Pablo Adasme | Firoozabadi, AD., Irarrazaval, P., Adasme, P., Zabala-Blanco, D., Palacios-Játiva, P., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
3D Multiple Sound Source Localization by Proposed Cuboids Nested Microphone Array in Combination with Adaptive Wavelet-based Subband GEVD |
Electronics | 2079-9292 | 10.3390/electronics9050867 |
Enrique Espina | Espina, E., Cárdenas, R., Simpson-Porco, J., Sáez, D., Kazerani, M. |
A Consensus-Based Secondary Control Strategy for Hybrid ac/dc Microgrids with Experimental Validation |
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics |
0885-8993 | 10.1109/TPEL.2020.3031539 |
Fabián Seguel | Soto, I., Rodriguez, RN., Massuyama, G., Seguel, F., Jativa, PP., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Krommenacker, N. |
A hybrid VLC-RF portable phasor measurement unit for deep tunnels |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | 10.3390/s20030790 |
Ismael Soto | Soto, I., Rodriguez, RN., Massuyama, G., Seguel, F., Jativa, PP., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Krommenacker, N. |
A hybrid VLC-RF portable phasor measurement unit for deep tunnels |
Sensors | 1424-8220 | 10.3390/s20030790 |
Matías Díaz | Espinoza, M., Donoso, F., Diaz, M., Urrutia, M., Cardenas, R. |
A Novel Control System for Medium-Voltage Hexverter-Based Drives |
15th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, EVER 2020; Monte-Carlo; Monaco |
978-172815641-5 | 10.1109/EVER48776.2020.9243027 |
Pablo Adasme | Firoozabadi, AD., Irarrazaval, P., Adasme, P., Zabala-Blanco, D., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
A novel method for estimating the number of speakers based on generalized eigenvalue–vector decomposition and adaptive wavelet transform by using K-means clustering |
Signal Image and Video Processing |
1863-1703 | 10.1007/s11760-020-01634-2 |
Héctor Chávez | Abarca, R., Chavez, H., Lismayes, A., Caro-Ruiz, C., Alvarez, G.E. |
A REFLEX algebraic reserve constraint model |
2020 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition – Latin America, T and D LA 2020; Montevideo; Uruguay |
978-172814155-8 | 10.1109/TDLA47668.2020.9326215 |
Héctor Chávez | Riquelme, E., Fuentes, C., Chavez, H. |
A review of limitations of wind synthetic inertia methods |
2020 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition – Latin America, T and D LA 2020; Montevideo; Uruguay |
978-172814155-8 | 10.1109/TDLA47668.2020.9326180 |
Héctor Chávez | Borquez, J., Chavez, H., Barbosa, KA., Jamett, M., Acuna, R. |
A Simple Distribution Energy Tariff under the Penetration of DG |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13081910 |
Karina Acosta | Borquez, J., Chavez, H., Barbosa, KA., Jamett, M., Acuna, R. |
A Simple Distribution Energy Tariff under the Penetration of DG |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13081910 |
Marcela Jamett | Borquez, J., Chavez, H., Barbosa, KA., Jamett, M., Acuna, R. |
A Simple Distribution Energy Tariff under the Penetration of DG |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13081910 |
Matías Díaz | Mora, A., Cardenas, R., Urrutia, M., Espinoza, M., Diaz, M. |
A Vector Control Strategy to Eliminate Active Power Oscillations in 4-Leg Grid-Connected Converters Under Unbalanced Voltages |
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics |
2168-6777 | 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2921536 |
Fabián Seguel | Jativa, PP., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Sanchez, I., Seguel, F., Zabala-Blanco, D., Firoozabadi, AD., Gutierrez, CA., Soto, I. |
A VLC Channel Model for Underground Mining Environments With Scattering and Shadowing |
IEEE Access | 2169-3536 | 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3030615 |
Ismael Soto | Jativa, PP., Azurdia-Meza, CA., Sanchez, I., Seguel, F., Zabala-Blanco, D., Firoozabadi, AD., Gutierrez, CA., Soto, I. |
A VLC Channel Model for Underground Mining Environments With Scattering and Shadowing |
IEEE Access | 2169-3536 | 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3030615 |
Cristhian Becker | Verdejo, H., Moreira, P., Kliemann, W., Becker, C., Delpiano, J. |
An analytical model for small signal stability analysis in unbalanced electrical power systems |
Applied Sciences-Basel | 2076-3417 | 10.3390/app10248855 |
Humberto Verdejo | Verdejo, H., Moreira, P., Kliemann, W., Becker, C., Delpiano, J. |
An analytical model for small signal stability analysis in unbalanced electrical power systems |
Applied Sciences-Basel | 2076-3417 | 10.3390/app10248855 |
Claudio Valencia | Adasme, P., San Juan, E.,Soto, I., Cañete, L., Seguel, F., Valencia, C., Dehghan Firoozabadi, A. |
An Integer Programming Approach to Locate RSUs in a Telecommunication Highway Vehicle Network |
12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing – CSNDSP, Portugal |
978-172816743-5 | 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249487 |
Enrique San Juan | Adasme, P., San Juan, E.,Soto, I., Cañete, L., Seguel, F., Valencia, C., Dehghan Firoozabadi, A. |
An Integer Programming Approach to Locate RSUs in a Telecommunication Highway Vehicle Network |
12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing – CSNDSP, Portugal |
978-172816743-5 | DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249487 |
Fabián Seguel | Adasme, P., San Juan, E.,Soto, I., Cañete, L., Seguel, F., Valencia, C., Dehghan Firoozabadi, A. |
An Integer Programming Approach to Locate RSUs in a Telecommunication Highway Vehicle Network |
12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing – CSNDSP, Portugal |
978-172816743-5 | DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249487 |
Ismael Soto | Adasme, P., San Juan, E.,Soto, I., Cañete, L., Seguel, F., Valencia, C., Dehghan Firoozabadi, A. |
An Integer Programming Approach to Locate RSUs in a Telecommunication Highway Vehicle Network |
12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing – CSNDSP, Portugal |
978-172816743-5 | DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249487 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., San Juan, E.,Soto, I., Cañete, L., Seguel, F., Valencia, C., Dehghan Firoozabadi, A. |
An Integer Programming Approach to Locate RSUs in a Telecommunication Highway Vehicle Network |
12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing – CSNDSP, Portugal |
978-172816743-5 | DOI: 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249487 |
Matías Díaz | Diaz, M., Dobson, RC, Ibaceta, E., Mora, A., Urrutia, M., Espinoza, M., Rojas, F., Wheeler, P. |
An Overview of Applications of the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13215546 |
Matías Díaz | Diaz, M., Cardenas, R., Ibaceta, E., Mora, A., Urrutia, M., Espinoza, M., Rojas, F., Wheeler, P. |
An overview of modelling techniques and control strategies for modular multilevel matrix converters |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13184678 |
Héctor Chávez | F. Diaz, Rivera, M., Chavez, H., Wheeler, P. |
Architectures for Microgrids Interconnection |
21st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2020; Buenos Aires Institute of Technology (ITBA); Argentina |
978-172815754-2 | 10.1109/ICIT45562.2020.9067130 |
Ismael Soto | Pereira-Mendoza, J., Chibey, F., Fuentealba-Cid, D., Soto, I., Gutierrez, S., Gatica, G. |
Assignment Model for LEDs and Photodetectors in a VLC System |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129860 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Venegas, D. | Automatized follow-up and alert system for patients with chronic hypertension |
Health Informatics Journal | 1460-4582 | 10.1177/1460458219900446 |
Enrique San Juan | Cañete, L., San Juan, E., Adasme, P. |
Communication with small fatty organisms: an application of visible light for the efficiency of bio-diesel reactors submerged in the sea |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129895 |
Pablo Adasme | Cañete, L., San Juan, E., Adasme, P. |
Communication with small fatty organisms: an application of visible light for the efficiency of bio-diesel reactors submerged in the sea |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129895 |
Fabián Seguel | Carreño, C., Seguel, F., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Bombardier, V. |
Comparison of metaheuristic optimization algorithms for RSS-based 3-D visible light positioning systems |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129861 |
Ismael Soto | Carreño, C., Seguel, F., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Bombardier, V. |
Comparison of metaheuristic optimization algorithms for RSS-based 3-D visible light positioning systems |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129861 |
Pablo Adasme | Carreño, C., Seguel, F., Adasme, P., Soto, I., Krommenacker, N., Charpentier, P., Bombardier, V. |
Comparison of metaheuristic optimization algorithms for RSS-based 3-D visible light positioning systems |
2020 South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVC) |
978-1-7281-6341-3 | 10.1109/SACVLC50805.2020.9129861 |
Héctor Chávez | Durán, A., Ibaceta, E., Diaz, M., Rojas, F., Cardenas, R., Chavez, H. |
Control of a Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter for Unified Power Flow Controller Applications |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13040953 |
Matías Díaz | Durán, A., Ibaceta, E., Diaz, M., Rojas, F., Cardenas, R., Chavez, H. |
Control of a Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter for Unified Power Flow Controller Applications |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13040953 |
Claudio Urrea | Torres, H., Toledo, D., Alvarado, O., Urrea, C. |
Control of a telerobotic system using wi-fi and kinect sensor for disabled people with an industrial process |
2020 IEEE ANDESCON, Quito, Ecuador |
978-172819365-6 | 10.1109/ANDESCON50619.2020.9272069 |
Enrique Espina | Espina, E., Cárdenas, R., Espinoza, M., Burgos-Mellado, C., Sáez, D.. |
Cooperative Regulation of Imbalances in Three-Phase Four-Wire Microgrids Using Single-Phase Droop Control and Secondary Control Algorithms |
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics |
0885-8993 | 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2917653 |
Ismael Soto | Carrasco, R., Fernandez-Campusano, C., Soto, I., Lagos, C., Krommenacker, N., Banguera, L., Duran, C. |
Copper Price Variation Forecasts Using Genetic Algorithms |
1st International Conference on Applied Technologies, ICAT 2019; Quito; Ecuador |
1865-0929 | 10.1007/978-3-030-42520-3_23 |
Pablo Adasme | Adasme, P., Firoozabadi, AD. | Degree-Constrained k -Minimum Spanning Tree Problem |
Complexity | 1076-2787 | 10.1155/2020/7628105 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Kern, J., Alvarado, J. |
Design and Evaluation of a New Fuzzy Control Algorithm Applied to a Manipulator Robot |
Applied Sciences-Basel | EISSN: 2076-3417 | 10.3390/app10217482 |
John Kern | Urrea, C., Kern, J., Alvarado, J. |
Design and Evaluation of a New Fuzzy Control Algorithm Applied to a Manipulator Robot |
Applied Sciences-Basel | 2076-3417 | 10.3390/app10217482 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea C., Saa, D. | Design and Implementation of a Graphic Simulator for Calculating the Inverse Kinematics of a Redundant Planar Manipulator Robot |
Applied Sciences-Basel | eISSN: 2076-3417 | 10.3390/app10196770 |
Matías Díaz | Aravena, J., Carrasco, D., Diaz, M., Uriarte, M., Rojas, F., Cardenas, R., Travieso, JC. |
Design and Implementation of a Low-Cost Real-Time Control Platform for Power Electronics Applications |
Energies | 1996-1073 | 10.3390/en13061527 |
Matías Díaz | Shourangiz-Haghighi, A., Diaz, M., Zhang, YC., Li, JL., Yuan, Y., Faraji, R., Ding, L., Guerrero, JM. |
Developing More Efficient Wind Turbines A Survey of Control Challenges and Opportunities |
IEEE industrial Electronics Magazine |
1932-4529 | 10.1109/MIE.2020.2990353 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Matteoda, R. | Development of a Virtual Reality Simulator for a Strategy for Coordinating Cooperative Manipulator Robots using Cloud Computing |
Robotics and Autonomous Systems | 0921-8890 | 10.1016/j.robot.2020.103447 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea, C., Mignogna, A. | Development of an Expert System for Pre-diagnosis of Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus type 2 and Metabolic Syndrome |
Health Informatics Journal | 1460-4582 | 10.1177/1460458220937095 |
Enrique Espina | Espina, E., Llanos, J., Burgos-Mellado, C., Cárdenas, R., Martínez-Gómez, M., Sáez, D. |
Distributed Control Strategies for Microgrids: An Overview |
IEEE Access | 2169-3536 | 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3032378 |
Fabián Seguel | Palacios, P., Azurdia-Meza, C., Roman, M., Zabala-Blanco, D., Seguel, F., Soto, I. |
Empirical Path Loss Distribution for Visible Light Communications in Underground Mines |
12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP) – 7th Colloquium on Optical Wireless Communications |
978-172816743-5 | 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249645 |
Ismael Soto | Palacios, P., Azurdia-Meza, C., Roman, M., Zabala-Blanco, D., Seguel, F., Soto, I. |
Empirical Path Loss Distribution for Visible Light Communications in Underground Mines |
12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP) – 7th Colloquium on Optical Wireless Communications |
978-172816743-5 | 10.1109/CSNDSP49049.2020.9249645 |
Claudio Urrea | Urrea C., Kern, J., Morales C. | Error detection and correction to enhance the data rate of smart metering systems using Modbus-RTU |
Electrical Engineering | 0948-7921 | 10.1007/s00202-020-01067-7 |
John Kern | Urrea C., Kern, J., Morales C. | Error detection and correction to enhance the data rate of smart metering systems using Modbus-RTU |
Electrical Engineering | 0948-7921 | 10.1007/s00202-020-01067-7 |
Fabián Seguel | Palacios-Játiva, P, Seguel, F., Adasme, P. |
Evaluation of Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces for Diffuse Visible Light Communications Link |
2020 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) |
2330-989X | 10.1109/LATINCOM50620.2020.9282298 |
Pablo Adasme | Palacios-Játiva, P, Seguel, F., Adasme, P. |
Evaluation of Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces for Diffuse Visible Light Communications Link |
2020 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) |
2330-989X | 10.1109/LATINCOM50620.2020.9282298 |
Pablo Adasme | Firoozabadi, AD., Irarrazaval, P., Adasme, P., Zabala-Blanco, D., Azurdia-Meza, C. |
Evaluation of localization precision by proposed quasi-spherical nested microphone array in combination with multiresolution adaptive steered response power |
Journal of Electrical Engineering–Elektrotechnicky Casopis |
1335-3632 | 10.2478/jee-2020-0022 |
Claudio Valencia | Lopez, N., Azurdia, C., Montejo, S., Valencia, C. |
Experimental Evaluation of Capture Effect in an IEEE 802.15.4 WSN basedon Unslotted-CSMA/CA |
2020 IEEE 12th Latin-American Conference onCommunications (LATINCOM), |
978-172818903-1 | 10.1109/LATINCOM50620.2020.9282305 |
Enrique Espina | Espina, E., Burgos-Mellado, C., Gómez, J., Llanos, J., Rute, E., Navas, A., Martínez-Gómez, M., Cárdenas, R., Sáez. D. |
Experimental Hybrid AC/DC-Microgrid Prototype for Laboratory Research |
22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’20 ECCE Europe) |
978-907581536-8 | 10.23919/EPE20ECCEEurope43536.2020.9215751 |
Matías Díaz | Kreppel, T., Rojas, F., Hackl, C.M., Kalmbach, O., Diaz, M.b, Gatica, G. |
Extended Model of Chopper Cells for Open Circuit Fault Detection in Modular Multilevel Cascade Converters using Sliding Mode Observers |
11th IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2020; Dubrovnik; Croatia |
978-172816990-3 | 10.1109/PEDG48541.2020.9244420 |
Karina Acosta | Caceres, S., Rojas, F., Barbosa, KA., De la Cuadra, T., Diaz, M., Gatica, G. |
Fault Detection in Triple Star Bridge Cell Modular Multilevel Converter using Sliding Mode Observer |
21st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2020; Buenos Aires Institute of Technology |
978-172815754-2 | 10.1109/ICIT45562.2020.9067190 |